Dear colleague, on your birthday
Let me congratulate you and wish you success.
Today is the day you were born
When the world opened up for you and blossomed in flowers.
We in the team value intelligence, knowledge and competence,
And you did a great job with your role.
In this bright day that life has given you,
We would like to wish you many new and interesting things.
May our words bring a little luck to life,
Let the holiday that envelops this day not be one of good deeds.
Let success and good luck be now a constant companion of your life,
And may a real birthday bring a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy and fun!
From a frank heart today we say
Our dear colleague, Happy Birthday!
May the sun shine brightly and the soul be filled with peace,
In life, flowers, love and luck in abundance here will only take on color.
May all wishes and dreams come true
Let joy and happiness in the heart open.
Colleague, you are our friend and respected person,
Today we want to wish you sincerely, full of happiness and peace.
Dear colleague, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May your life be filled with joy and achievements, may good luck and success accompany you at every step.
We wish you health, happiness, respect and peace of mind. May all dreams and wishes come true not only on this day, but every day of the coming year. Colleague, you are a reliable and respected person in our team, and we are grateful to you for what you do every day.
Please accept our sincere wishes and believe that today will be the most unforgettable in your life.
Dear colleague!
On this momentous day,
When you are exactly that old,
How old are you now.
Building a team was not an easy task,
But thanks to your experience and knowledge,
You easily lead this brigade,
Delivering success every day.
On this special day, we want to wish you:
Health, happiness, peace and joy,
True friends for life
And unforgettable impressions every day.
May every step and every path taken
Opens more doors to success
And let all these doors bring with them
Peace, security and satisfaction.
Colleague, let today
On this real holiday
Will be a symbol of life
Open to you and waiting for you.
Today is your birthday
Let us with you with all our hearts:
Wish you health, good luck, happiness,
Peace and harmony, love and success.
You are not only a colleague to us,
But also a friend who is always there.
And this is very important for the work
Dedicated to maintaining the welfare of the team.
May your dreams and desires
Come true every day in the new year!
And may all the successes and benefits
Keep coming to you easily this year!
Dear colleague, on behalf of our entire team we congratulate you on your birthday! Today is a special day when you can enjoy your achievements and prepare for new challenges and opportunities.
Dear colleague, you have become a source of real inspiration and leadership for us. We respect your experience and knowledge, as well as your sincere concern for our team.
We wish you good health, stamina, energy and bright emotional life in the coming year. And may all your projects and trials increase significantly and put you in your rightful place.
In your own words:
Dear colleague! Today is your birthday and we want to express our best wishes to you. You are professionals who are highly valued in our team and at the highest levels.
You always provide our team with experience, knowledge and nuances in every project, and we have never been disappointed. Today we wish you good health, happiness, good luck and great success in all the things that you did before and will do after it.
On this birthday, we wish you many chance meetings, wealthy guests and excellent gifts! You are a professional and a leader in our team and we are proud of you.
Congratulations, colleague!
Today is your birthday
And we do not have enough words and spirit,
To express all our love and gratitude
Thank you for your patience, wisdom, courage and ability.
Your experience, your guidance and your knowledge
Made us better, smarter and more professional,
Communicating with you for a long time,
We want to thank you for all your kindness and concern.
We wish you health, happiness, enlightenment of thoughts
Like that ray of light that illuminates our path,
We wish you a happy life in which everything will be
Like the bright sun reflected in the water.
Dear colleague! Today is the day everyone wishes you a Happy Birthday! I want to express our gratitude for your professionalism and leadership. You always act in defense of the interests of the team and persistently achieve your goals.
I want to wish you great health, happiness, prosperity, creative achievements and new interesting projects. Today is the most wonderful day of the year because it is dedicated to your birthday!
I congratulate you with all my heart, colleague!
In prose:
Dear colleague,
Today is your wonderful day!
And we are with love and warmth
We would like to sincerely congratulate you.
You are smart, sensible and think strategically,
You always show wisdom and ability to be a leader,
You are our experienced and witty colleague,
Which always finds means and ways of promotion.
On this sunny day, we want to wish you good health,
Happiness and good luck at your every step,
And may joy, happiness and love always be with you,
Wherever you are, whatever you do.
Happy holiday, our beloved colleague,
We appreciate and respect you very, very much,
We wish to carry out our work at a high level
After all, this birthday dictates this to us!
Today on this special day
The whole world of congratulations rings a ringing bell,
And we hear ringing chords
Which means past, present and future.
Dear colleague! You are the real star of our team,
Made up of friends and colleagues
Today we want to express our sincere gratitude
Your knowledge, skills and diligence.
We wish you happiness and prosperity,
Good luck, prosperity and inspiration,
To, your smile
Always shone brighter than fire.
Dear colleague, we sincerely congratulate you on this special day today. Your work and personality means a lot to our team. We are very grateful for your presence and support for our team.
We sincerely wish you real happiness and success in the entire industry. May all your pleasant desires, dreams and needs come true for this and all the days to come!
Happy New Birthday to our colleague,
Which makes our working day absolutely multi-level,
Solving a number of tasks and fulfilling many unique instructions,
For everything to be great and at the top level!
Our steady and kind colleague,
Actually, you are the bomb!
I wish you only that all your dreams come true,
There were no stresses and problems, life was freedom!
May luck smile upon you brightly and quite openly,
To naschesit in life, like a mountain of gold,
Love, good luck and laughter, so that everything around is bright,
So that everyone admires you, like a proud pharaoh!
Today we celebrate your birthday
Let everyone narrow you down just like gloves!
Today is a holiday for you, colleague,
Life be sure - just begun, bro!
Today the sun shines especially brightly,
The holiday is full of bright colors and smiles,
And today we celebrate boldly,
And every sweet moment - we are fine!
Dear colleague, Happy Birthday, we congratulate
On this day, we sincerely wish you
So that all your dreams turn into a blooming life,
And luck has become your constant companion.
May your life always be rich,
And the heart feels complete peace,
Abundance in all areas of life
To make every moment wonderful!
Our dear colleague, on this wonderful day we want to wish you a happy birthday! Let there be less work and more adventures in your life, less bureaucracy and more freedom, less stress and more smiles.
So that all your dreams come true, and desires come true with ease. We congratulate you on a cheerful holiday and wish that everything around you shone with bright colors and was full of positive emotions!
Congratulations from our entire department,
Happy birthday to our notable leader,
You are the main one of our colleagues,
They took their well-deserved step to the vestibule of success.
We thank you for your work, for your achievements and progress,
We are with you, colleague, and like one big family,
No matter what the challenges and difficulties,
We know that we will overcome everything by working as a team.
Stay as beautiful, kind and wonderful,
May every day be filled with adventures and a succession of successes,
Health, happiness, joy, luck, only the best moments,
From our team to you, we wish you to always be on top!
Fragrant flowers sound
And your smile is like warm rain,
You are our dear favorite,
Complex and unusual master.
Happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts,
And we wish you many successful days,
We wish your life to be rich in glory and respect,
And your work was valuable, like paint in a frame.
Dear colleague! I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you lots of health, happiness, good luck, success in your work and personal life. You bring great value and joy to our team, and we deeply respect you for your excellent professional qualities and dedication to our company.
On this special day, I could not pass by without congratulating you personally. I want to wish you all the best and sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
My dear colleague, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you an infinitely long life, successful undertakings, meetings and adventures, inspiration and creative growth!
Today is your big day! Let it be filled with only joyful and bright moments. I wish you creative success and inspiration, my dear colleague!
Happy birthday, colleague! I wish you to always remain as talented, successful and inspired in your endeavors. So that you are always accompanied by luck and a smile of fate!
Colleague, today is your birthday and I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, a peaceful sky, good luck in all your endeavors and a spring mood!
On this significant day, I want to wish you, my dear colleague, good health, spiritual stability and the realization of all your ideas!
Congratulations, my dear colleague, happy birthday! I wish you reliable friends, faithful work partners, peace of mind and endless happiness!
Today, on your birthday, I want to wish you, colleague, good health, peace and prosperity in family life, as well as success and prosperity in your work!
Congratulations on your significant birthday, dear colleague! I wish that in life you only meet good people, and true friends are always there.
Happy birthday, colleague! Let the clouds disappear from the horizon of your life, and the sun's rays illuminate your every day! Happiness and prosperity to you, my dear friend!
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you, my colleague, on your birthday! I wish that everything that you have planned will come true for you, and your plans and dreams come true!
Today you celebrate your birthday! I wish you joy and prosperity in your personal life, good health and prosperity in business. Be always the same energetic and positive, my colleague!
Colleague, today is your day! I wish you further success in your work, true friends and relatives, as well as a feeling of complete happiness and peace of mind.
Today you are in the spotlight, your birthday! I wish you to achieve all your goals and fulfill all your dreams. Happiness, joy and warmth to you!
Colleague, today is your holiday. I wish you to always be a strong spirit, a bright personality, unique and inspired in all matters.
Today is your day, your holiday! May your life be filled with love, joy and fulfillment of all desires. Happiness and health to you, colleague!
May goodness and peace, the streams of happy moments give you, and peace and joy reign in your soul.
You are the one who will always find a solution in any situation. Today I want to congratulate you on your significant birthday and wish you health, good luck, prosperity and love from the bottom of my heart!
My favorite colleague! Today you are again on the main role in your life path. I want to wish you that this day is woven from the brightest moments.
Colleague, you are our right hand and helper. Today I want to wish you health, patience, wisdom. May the will of fate smile mercifully on you.
Today you celebrate your birthday, my dear and respected colleague. May your life be filled with a bright and joyful palette of days.
May your every day be filled with bright emotions and great achievements! I wish you happiness, love, health and prosperity, my beloved colleague!
Happy birthday, my dear colleague! I wish you the support of friends and relatives, inspiration and the realization of all desires in life!
Today I am glad to congratulate you on your birthday, colleague! I wish you continued optimism, enthusiasm and great victories in life!
Happiness, health and success in work, my colleague! Congratulations on your birthday! May your future life become brighter and more interesting every day!
Today is your day! Happy Birthday! I am grateful for the moments that we spent together and wish you new discoveries, meetings and achievements in life!
I wish you, colleague, a great holiday, mood and good mood for life! May every day be filled with success and joy!
Happy birthday, my colleague! I wish you success in your work, health, happiness in your personal life and well-being in your family!
Today is your day! Happy Birthday! I wish you inexhaustible energy, vital optimism and excellent mood every day!
Your birthday is an occasion to rejoice at your achievements and wish you new heights. Happiness, love and mood are always on top. Let all the dreams come true!
Happy birthday, colleague! I wish you successful projects, pleasant meetings and unique moments in your life. Happiness, health and warmth in the heart!
Today is a great and kind holiday that you will remember forever. May luck and happiness rule your life, may well-being and prosperity always be with you in your team! Happy birthday to the whole team!
Your birthday is in front of you
From the whole department congratulations
We wish you all the best
Happiness, joy and true achievements!
Words of sincere gratitude come from the whole team, because you are the best and most experienced member of our team. We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May you have a lot of joy, good luck and success in your life!
Birthday is an important holiday
Which everyone will remember forever.
We sincerely congratulate our colleague,
We wish you success, happiness and beautiful joy!
Dear colleague, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish every day to be filled with new achievements and successes, and in life there will always be only pleasant events. Happiness, health, joy and prosperity in your life!
With humor:
Colleague, our money believes in free enterprise,
And that's why they allow us today to divert personnel in the genre of "competitive anniversary scenario."
May your birthday be healthy and polite,
Without breaking any rules, and our managers, of course.
Although we fight for every dollar, for every ruble,
But we cannot but pay you tribute and recognition,
You have always been a caring, efficient and intelligent colleague,
We wish you good luck and success in the most brilliant projects!
We sincerely congratulate you on this day,
We wish you health, good luck and happiness every day.
We want all fears and disappointments
They would fly up like paper boats in association.
May luck always be with you on the way,
And wealth, responsibility and the right rhythm of life.
Let new ideas and projects push you excitingly,
Whatever business you are in, let there be only order and success!
Dear colleague, happy birthday to you,
We leave you our low rubber coupon as a gift,
So that you always do not wake up from the table without supervision,
And he carried out his work with passionate fatigue.
Joking aside, of course, but you are our experienced partner,
We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and happiness,
We wish you to always be on top, always smile joyfully,
And a lot of luck and success in all your affairs!
Dear colleague, on this festive day, we would like to wish you good health, longevity, good luck, success and prosperity. May life be rich and vibrant, may plans come true and dreams come true.
You are not just a colleague for us, you are an important and necessary person in our team. Your work certainly brings great benefits to the team, you deserve respect and trust. Thank you for being with us and that we can count on you.
We sincerely wish you prosperity and success in all your endeavors. Today is your day, and we will mingle with you with laughter, not forgetting how it really was! Be happy and loved, we are waiting for you again in our team!
Gentle wind warms souls,
Love and joy are pouring into the soul.
So we wholeheartedly congratulate
Our friend and colleague dear!
May health be restored quickly
Let the gray days always stop.
May there be many friends and family
And life is bright, rich and interesting!
Birthday is a holiday for the soul,
A wonderful and unique day.
Colleague, we are glad that you are here today,
Come, we are in such a hurry from each other!
Dear colleague! Today we heartily congratulate you on your birthday. Life goes on as usual, and very often we forget how important each other is. We want to wish you happiness, health, peace and prosperity in all spheres of life.
May your soul be full of love and joy, may all your dreams and wishes come true this day and the next.
You are our experienced and respected colleague, and we are grateful to you for everything you do. Let every day be filled with new opportunities and achievements, and life will become brighter and richer, thanks to the excellent results of your work. Happy holiday!
Dear colleague! Your wonderful birthday has come, and we are glad that we have been working with you for so many years and stand up to all your jokes and jokes!
Today you celebrate your mature mature age and move to a new level of life. We are sure that you will continue to be the same funny person that you have been all these years of work! May there always be a place in life for humor, adventure and funny incidents that will have a hand in successful activities.
We wish you new victories and achievements, health, love and, of course, good luck! And do not forget that in our team, at work and in life, you can always find a reason to laugh with us! Happy birthday, colleague!
May you be festive and comfortable,
Birthday is a great opportunity
Plunge into the mood, sincerity,
But do not forget the better life is beautiful.
In life, you always need to aspire to the heights,
The cocktail comes from the best of the best ingredients.
Charge with vivacity and energy,
We wish you laughter and creativity, good luck and speed!
We sincerely wish you good, love and new achievements,
So that there are no barriers and the flow of victory is not replaced by pressure.
Colleague, always remain the same kind and generous,
And let life be exciting as the most grandiose secular ball!
Dear colleague, on this wonderful day, we want to wish you a happy birthday! May your life be filled with wonderful adventures and bright discoveries! We wish you many positive emotions and moments that will leave a mark in your heart for many years to come!
Today you are getting older by a whole year, but do not be discouraged - a great reason to celebrate this day with fun! After all, years only add maturity, experience and wisdom, and the rest is just trifles! Colleague, we wish you unlimited opportunities and unlimited success in business!
Dear colleague, we invite you to consider our new, slightly unusual approach to official congratulations. On this birthday, we wish you ... enjoy even the smallest moments of life!
After all, you must admit that this is a really important and complex art that many underestimate. So today we just wanted to remind you to appreciate every minute of life, every interaction and meeting, every sound and acquaintance.
We wish you that this life holiday be full of happiness, real joy and confidence in your future. We wish you good luck in all your affairs and faith in your strength in any situation. Happy birthday, colleague!
Today is the greatest day
A priceless color blooms
Colleague, our birthday is
Surrounded by many wishes.
Today life starts again
And new vistas open
Today dreams and goals are rethought
And rich relationships are built.
We wish you an incredible abyss in your life,
And, without setting boundaries, the superiority of power and charge.
Let around every corner on a new path
There are virtues and a bizarre world order.
Dear colleague! On the threshold of your significant birthday, let us express our most sincere and warmest wishes to you. We wish you good health and continuous happiness, great luck and the realization of all your dreams!
Your talent, professionalism and energy make an incredible contribution to our team and our work, thanks to which we are confidently striving for new achievements and victories. We say with gratitude and deep respect: "Happy Birthday, dear colleague! Never get older, just develop and move forward!"
Dear colleague, today is another step in your long and rich life. On this birthday, we wish you to become even closer to the fulfillment of your dreams and desires, so that your life is filled with joy, love and communication.
Thank you for your high feelings and morality, for the professionalism and enthusiasm with which you work with us. We are proud to have you as part of our team and thank you for everything you do to achieve our shared goals.
Happy birthday, colleague! We wish you prosperity and well-being, peace and light in your heart, and also, continue to be a real person with a big soul!
Happy birthday, colleague!
On this bright day, we wish the sky clarity,
And so that your life is full of laughter,
And the emotions of idleness never dried up.
You are our most worthy hero,
Able to overcome any challenge
With you we feel simply free,
Always ready for a new and exciting start.
We wish you happiness, prosperity and health,
And so that your life is rich,
For your dreams to come true
And every day was filled with creativity and success.
Dear colleague, today is filled with magic, because today is your birthday. This day is so special, because today you were born to illuminate it with your energy and warmth.
We thank you for being part of our team and for being able to inspire and motivate us with your work and support. We wish you strength, energy and health so that you continue to shine brightly and continue to reach new heights.
Happy birthday, colleague! Let's continue to dream and realize our ideas together!
Dear colleague, age is like wine. It gets better and more beautiful every year. We are grateful that you continue to grow old with us. Although this year promises to be difficult, we are sure that you will prefer to go on a drinking binge, rather than forget about our old worries and unconventional fantasies.
Today we want to wish you health, happiness, peace, love, pleasure and smiles.
We wish you on this day the same number of gifts as many years as you celebrate this year. Happy birthday, colleague! And do not forget that now you are at the best age - the possibilities are huge, and experience is solidity!
Today is your birthday, dear colleague,
We sincerely wish you in the heart of bright joy,
Let the mood be bright and perky
And the holiday does not leave its course with its presence.
We wish you good luck, so that all dreams come true,
For each step forward, we will remember them kindly,
May all wishes and dreams come true on this joyful day,
And our miracle is with you, such a hero appears to you today.
Dear colleague! Today you are an adult, and you know that at this age it is time to think about how to inherit your genes from your parents. We wish you good luck in your search for talents and enthusiasm, so that you always remain as sincere and young as on your birthday.
On your birthday, we wish you good luck in the lottery, good mood and a long life. Remember that behind every successful person there is luck, and today, we hope, you will be the luckiest of all.
Happy birthday, colleague! Always remain so cheerful and optimistic.
For sms:
Dear colleague! Today is your birthday, and we wish you smiles, gifts, fun and good mood! On this day, we want to wish you well-being and success in business.
May luck smile at you, may you achieve your goals and enjoy life. We appreciate your professionalism and are grateful for your work in our team. May this day be the most unforgettable of all that has been and will be.
Happy birthday, colleague!
📱 Sms count: 6
Today is your day, my colleague,
Born into the world by this earth cover,
We wish you strong nerves and mind with all
Adequacy and harmony in the soul an incredible amount.
We wish you well-being, happiness in your personal life and at work,
Success in business, even greater diligence,
May your day be filled with good luck
It will be joy, smiles and naive beauty.
📱 Sms count: 6
Dear colleague, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you happiness, good luck in your personal life and work, health, fulfillment of dreams and achievement of all goals!
May this holiday bring a lot of joy, smiles, surprises and new experiences. Over the years, you only get better, and we are grateful that we have the opportunity to work with such a talented person.
Happy birthday, colleague!
📱 Sms count: 6
Dear colleague! Congratulations on your birthday! This day is the most important in your life, and we sincerely wish you happiness, love, health and prosperity from the bottom of our hearts.
You are not only a talented employee, but also a wonderful person who is always ready to help, support in difficult times and smile in response to care.
Let this day be the beginning of new knowledge, new adventures, new opportunities.
You have always been our reliable support, and we are grateful to you for making our work interesting and productive every day. We sincerely wish you good luck in all your endeavors, longevity and a happy life.
Happy birthday, colleague!
Dear colleague, this day is a birthday,
May he be the happiest of all days.
We wish you interest, joy in life and hope,
So that in your life there will always be good luck and inspiration of the situation.
You are a value in our team,
With his talent, knowledge and skillful hands,
We are grateful every day that acquaintance has connected us,
That together we move forward, and together we solve problems boldly and deftly.
We wish you a state of serenity and harmony in your soul,
Which will warm you in a difficult moment of laying the path,
Success in work and great luck, so that the soul is warm and light,
We hope you love your job and it brings joy and success to your life.
Dear colleague, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you health, happiness, success, prosperity, love and reciprocity. May good luck and success accompany you at every step on this day and all subsequent years.
We would like to note that every year you become only better and smarter, and we are proud that you are part of our team. We hope that our work will continue to flourish, thanks to its professionalism, wisdom and diligence.
Happy birthday, colleague!
Dear colleague! Today is your birthday, and we want to wish you happiness, love, health and well-being from the bottom of our hearts. You delight us with your talent, energy and hard work every day, and we are grateful for this.
Together we achieve great results, and you play an important role in this!
May this day be filled with beauty and joy, may each next year of life bring new achievements and achievements!
We are ready to support you in all your endeavors and help in difficult situations. Happy birthday, colleague! May your path be easy and life rich!
Warms the heart every day
When you are near, any difficulties are overcome.
Your talent has been put to the service of our team
And the beauty of the created images endows us and inspires us,
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on your birthday,
Let Joseph Stalin be proud of your skill.
Let wisdom and intelligence help you in life and business,
So that achievements will allow you to show your best in difficult projects.
And joy, smile and laughter
May they always bring happiness to your day,
Rising cliffs and new stars
Happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts!
Dear colleague, today is your birthday, and we could not help but celebrate this significant day! You are a talented and skilled specialist who makes our world better and more convenient with your work.
We appreciate your professionalism, erudition, intelligence and talent, and thank you for what you do every day. May this day be filled with joy, prosperity and happiness, and may your life be long and happy!
Dear colleague, today is your birthday! May the most daring dreams come true on this day, may every cool deed bring good luck and achievements. You are our talented and experienced colleague, a person who knows how to find a way out of the most difficult situations.
We appreciate your creative approach to problem solving, your ability to work in a team and your great sense of humor. Happy birthday, colleague! We wish you many amazing ideas, bright victories and endless love!
Forward, for new achievements and success!
At the table to comprehend the beauty and course of speeches,
From the company of feelings, I notice the rhythm of the silhouette,
Talking about the tasks, yours and mine without fail,
You are our colleague, you will remain a colleague in our season.
Today to say to you
Lines about a feat, about love and about joy,
Let the light enter your house on a beautiful day,
Let the ray of holiday radiate around, as if the path shone through the sky.
With the wishes of prosperity, success and good luck,
Today we heartily congratulate you!
Dear colleague, may every day be filled with happiness,
May rich prospects and new opportunities enter your life!
Dear colleague! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You are a true professional, a creative thinker and an energetic person who knows how to achieve your goals.
You are a cool colleague with whom it is always a pleasure to work and communicate! May this day bring you a sea of positive emotions, an inexhaustible boost of energy and new prospects for personal and career development.
Happy birthday colleague!
An official birthday greeting to a colleague is an important moment for every employee. At the same time, there are several ways to convey your wishes, using poetry or prose. Of course, one should not forget about formality and respect for a colleague, so certain details should be present in the text. It is important to choose the words so as to convey your wishes and make this day special for the birthday man.