Dear mother of many children! Today is a great holiday, and I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day. You deserve our best wishes and I am very grateful to you for everything you do for your children and family.
You give them your love, attention and teach life, and it's hard to overestimate. You are not just a mother of many children. You are a mother-heroine who could and will be able to cope with all the difficulties that may arise in life.
I wish you good health, success in your personal life and work, as well as great happiness from your family and friends. May your life as a mother of many children be beautiful and full of meaning, and be sure that your work will not go unnoticed.
With best wishes and congratulations from a sincere person!
Dear mother of many children! Happy Mother's Day, I want to wish you all the best and good luck in a large family. Your work, care and affection are invaluable, and you are worthy of the highest honor.
You are the best example for your children, and your life experience and ability to lead a large family inspire others. I wish you good health, patience and optimism in all your endeavors, as well as a lot of warmth and love from loved ones.
May your family always be happy and united, and may your house be filled with ringing laughter and the voices of children. Happy holiday to all mothers of many children!
You are truly wonderful!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and thank you for the great work you do in raising your children. You are a true heroine and your work is invaluable.
Your children need you, your love, care and upbringing guide them on the path to a successful life. I wish you good health so that you can continue this noble mission, and good mood so that every day is full of joy and smiles.
May your children always be there and support you in any endeavors, and your family prosper and please you with their achievements. I sincerely and from the bottom of my heart wish you happiness and prosperity on this wonderful holiday!
Dear mother of many children! Today is a special day because it's Mother's Day and I can't miss the opportunity to congratulate you and wish you all the very best.
Your life is a whole story about a mother of many children who does not know peace until all her children are happy and satisfied. You selflessly give your love and in many ways determine the future of their lives.
I wish you a lot of health, success in all your endeavors and great love that will accompany you throughout your life. May your family be strong and united, and may only wonderful moments be remembered in the life of each of your children.
Happy Mother's Day, dear mother of many children!
Dear mother of many children! I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and express my deep gratitude for everything you do for the sake of your children and family.
You are a real example of life wisdom, patience and love. Your children are a real pride for you, and your work is invaluable. I wish you many joyful moments in your life, good health and great love from your loved ones.
May your life be full of joy, achievements and wonderful moments that will be remembered for a lifetime. Happy Mother's Day, dear mother! Be happy and loved!
Dear mother of many children! Today the whole world celebrates Mother's Day, and on this day I want to congratulate you and wish you all the very best. You are an example for all mothers, because your life is real work and constant care for your children.
Every day you give them your love, care and patience, and create coziness and comfort for them. I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity, as well as many joyful moments in life that will be remembered for a lifetime.
May your family always be happy, calm and united, and may only those people who appreciate and love you be around. Happy Mother's Day!
In your own words:
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to congratulate you on the most valuable and most wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. I don't know how you manage with your big family, but I know that you do it very well.
You are a real example for everyone. You will always find time for your children, even if you don't really have it. You create such an atmosphere in your home that your home becomes a real cozy nest for everyone.
I wish you happiness, good luck in life, and the most important thing - health. May your life be filled with many different wonderful moments that will be remembered for a lifetime.
May your children always be by your side to support you in all your endeavors. Happy Mother's Day! May your holiday be joyful and memorable!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and say that you are a great example for all the mothers of our world. You know how to cope with many difficulties, and at the same time you never lose your attentiveness and love for your children.
You are a true hero and I think many mothers can learn from you. I wish you good health, optimism and joy. Give yourself the right to a little break and let yourself enjoy the wonderful life.
May your family always be by your side, and may your children appreciate your work and the love of their mother of many children. Sincere wishes for Mother's Day!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to congratulate you on the most wonderful holiday - Mother's Day. I have no words to express how much I admire your work and dedication that you put into raising and caring for your children.
Your love and care knows no bounds and you are always ready to go to any lengths to protect and support your loved ones. Many joyful moments that you give to your children will be remembered for a lifetime.
Therefore, today, on Mother's Day, give yourself the right to relax and enjoy everything that life gives. I wish you good health, happiness and much love.
May your life be filled with wonderful moments that will warm your heart throughout your life. Be always in a good mood and healthy!
In prose:
Dear mother of many children! Today is your holiday, Mother's Day. A day that has gained popularity in different countries and cultures, and a day when people around the world thank for the invaluable contribution and sacrifice of mothers.
I sincerely congratulate you, mother of many children, on this wonderful and joyful day. You, like no one else, deserve respect and recognition, because you are doing such a difficult job as raising the children of a large family, with pleasure and completely giving yourself to your loved ones.
You are simply a brilliant person, embodying all the most important qualities that every mother needs: a powerful desire to give your love, respect and support to your children and partner, the mysteriousness of limitless patience and the highest organizational ability.
I wish you health, success and countless happy moments in your life!
Dear mother of many children! I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and send you the warmest and most sincere words of gratitude. You symbolize everything that is connected with spiritual depth, strong character, and unconditional love.
You are a purposeful, hardworking and selfless mother who spares no effort to give her children everything that children can set a goal for themselves.
You have a gift to be strong in spirit and parenting, to love and always support your children, with a strong lifestyle and many interests. I wish you good health to continue your noble work, and many rich memories and wonderful moments in life.
Dear mother of many children! What a joy to congratulate you on Mother's Day! You live hard days, constantly dreaming and caring for your children, and we admire your endurance and tenderness.
Your work is invaluable, and your cheerfulness will win our hearts forever. One day someone asked the children what mother meant. They were told that mother is when it is always warm and light nearby, and also full of tenderness and love.
And you, a mother of many children, are the best example for this definition. On the day of this wonderful and joyful event, I sincerely wish you happiness, pleasure from caring for children and a lot of joy so that every day of your life is truly happy.
Thank you for your hard work and unconditional love.
Dear mother of many children! Today is your holiday, and your beloved children would like to congratulate you on this day and express their deep gratitude for all your hard and patient work in educating us all.
We know that you are not a robot and you need a rest to repeat your funny care over and over again. But we know that without you, our life is not as interesting and exciting as it is now.
You are a unique mother who taught us all to love, laugh and play. Therefore, today we sincerely wish you new creative breakthroughs, and a sea of positive emotions.
On this day, we just love you and want to thank you for all your heroic work. Happy Mother's Day my wonderful mom!
Dear mother of many children! When you enter a room, turning it into your royal room, our life is filled with amazing energy. We admire your ability to turn everything inside out and your endless mood to entertain us.
We will never forget all your jokes and games, national dances and wild weekend nights. Therefore, today we want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you a doubly positive mood!
May you leave all your obligations on this day and enjoy the wonderful mood that we wish you with all our hearts. May your life be bright and full of smiles, and your successes bring you joy and happiness!
My dear mother of many children! On this beautiful, magical and funny Mother's Day, we, your beloved children, want to congratulate you and wish you a great mood for the whole day!
You are our superheroine, who is always ready for exploits and on whom we can always rely. After all, you are not just a mom, but a multitasker mom who copes with many things at the same time: she cooks delicious meals, helps with homework and comes up with cool games for me and my brothers and sisters.
You are incredibly cool, driving and always ready to share your huge supply of love and care with us. We just love you and do not want to change for anyone!
Happy Mother's Day, my beautiful miracle mom!
Dear mother of many children! Today we celebrate Mother's Day and would like to remind you that you are the most important heroine of our life! You were able to raise several children and were always there in difficult times.
We immensely appreciate all your efforts, your patience and care. We present to you our most precious and most important possession - our gratitude, our love and best wishes.
We wish you health, happiness, success and world peace! Thank you for being with us, and congratulations on the holiday, our beautiful mother! Continue to be so wonderful and incomparable!
Dear mother of many children! Today we would like to congratulate you on the most important and memorable event - Mother's Day. We know that a mother's life is one of continuous caring work, and that developing and transmitting a deep sense of generosity is doubly difficult to change.
That is why today we want to offer you the most important gift - our resources, our strength and our time. No one cares about us like you do, and no one can replace the soul connection between us.
We want to show our gratitude, our love and deep respect. We wish you good health, success and new achievements! We love you mom!
Dear mother of many children! Today we would like to congratulate you on Mother's Day and remind you that you are a real hero. Your strong will, devotion and patience delight us, and we appreciate all your sacrifices and labors for us.
We are well aware that raising multiple children is not always easy. But you do it better than anyone else, and your patience and care make an amazing contribution to our lives.
Therefore, we would like to present you a free gift - our love, tenderness and gratitude. We are immensely grateful to you for everything you do for us and wish you good health, happiness and success in all your endeavors.
Happy Mother's Day, our wonderful and unique mother!
Dear mothers of many children! Today we congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you patience, peace of mind and a great family spark! We appreciate what you do and thank you for your hard work!
Today we want to express our gratitude to mothers of many children for their selfless love and patience. May all your wishes come true, and may your hard work pay off many times over!
Today is a real holiday that both mothers and children love equally - Mother's Day. We congratulate mothers of many children and wish you health, happiness and love!
For a mother of many children, life is not leisure and not rest. But we know that you still have what you need to find in yourself - faith, patience and endless love! Happy holiday!
Mothers of many children are the real heroes of our time, who, being women, must first of all feel like mothers. Happy Mother's Day!
Dear mother of many children! Today we want to thank you for your multitasking and ability to always be there for your children. Happy Mother's Day!
I would like to congratulate all mothers of many children on this wonderful holiday. Thank you for your patience, spiritual breadth and for the ability to keep the most beloved people together!
A mother of many children cares and worries in the region. But we know that you carry not only joys and sorrows, but also light and affection. Congratulations, mom!
Dear mother of many children! Today we celebrate your greatness and the true love that you give to your children every day. Thanks for your patience and care!
Mother's Day is a holiday for all mothers, but for a mother of many children, it is special. You are a true hero and we are very proud of your achievements!
I congratulate you, mother of many children, on Mother's Day! Children are your wealth, and your love for them can move mountains. We thank you for your sacrifices and for your work.
We wish you all the very best!
Dear mothers of many children! You own a share of the most important thing in the world - the birth and upbringing of a new life. Let your work and worries be rewarded only with positive emotions and the gratitude of children.
Today is Mother's Day and we want to congratulate mothers of many children from all over the world. We hope you have a wonderful day with your family and loved ones.
A real mother is love, care and affection. Mother of many children - it's all in the set! Congratulations and thank you for a true creation of love.
Dear mothers of many children, happy holiday to you! Your life is like a fairy tale: many children, many troubles, but there is always room for miracles and love.
I want to congratulate the mother of many children on Mother's Day! Without you, our lives would not be as complete and interesting. Thank you for your endless energy and fortitude.
Today we celebrate one of the most important holidays of the year - Mother's Day. You, a mother of many children, rightfully occupy a special place in this holiday.
Congratulations, mother of many children, on Mother's Day! You have a sacrament in your hands: you take care of each of your children as if there were no others.
The warmest congratulations today go to mothers of many children. You are true heroes and an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for your wonderful creation - your family.
Today is Mother's Day and you, mother of many children, deserve all our loving words and gratitude. It's hard to imagine what the world would look like without you!
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers of large families who cope with their difficult task with love and care. May your life be filled only with happiness and joy.
Dear mother of many children! Your family is your great asset, and you do your best to make them real individuals. I wish you happiness and prosperity!
Today we honor all mothers, but you, mother of many children, deserve special attention. You will always find time for each child and never stop giving your love.
A mother of many children does not need any laurels and honorary titles, your main achievement is your children. Thanks for your hard work and care!
I congratulate you, mother of many children, on Mother's Day! No one can replace your place in the lives of children, it is you who are the real shelter and support for them.
Happy day for all mothers, especially those who raise many children. You prove that love is something infinite and continuous.
A mother of many children is a real heroine of our time! Today I want to thank you for everything you teach your children and wish you health and happiness.
Dear Mom! A large family needs a good organizer and a loving teacher, and you exceed all expectations in this. Congratulations on your day!
Today is a day of thanksgiving and respect for women who give birth and raise children. Mother of many children, thank you for your fortitude and patience!
Congratulations on Mother's Day to the mother of many children! Your life is a real feat, because you know how to give love and care to several children at the same time.
Today I want to express my gratitude and respect to my mother of many births. You are a real genius who can handle many things at the same time. Your love, tenderness and sacrifice will remain in our heart forever.
Happy Mother's Day, my most beautiful mother!
Beautiful Mom, Happy Mother's Day! I wish you good health, reliable hands and a sensitive soul to continue to take care of your wonderful family. You are our main source of inspiration and motivation.
Thank you for being with us!
All mothers are great, but you are much more excellent than ordinary mothers. We are confident that all your care and work will be rewarded. Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day! I am incredibly grateful for my childhood youth, a real treasury of happiness, embodied in your communication with me. You are verbose, sensitive and always strong.
I love you mom!
Without anger, without reason, you are my mother. Who, if not you, accustomed me to good deeds? Happy mother's day, my beloved mother!
With humor:
Dear mother of many children, I want to sincerely congratulate you on the holiday and wish you so much health so that you can cope with all the tasks that are thrown to you as the mother of a large family.
Do not forget that all days should be joyful and fun for you: choose a new hairstyle, try a new towel ... It's almost a pity that this is not mother's day, is it?
Anyway, today is your day and we enjoyed joking with you on this day. With best wishes and lots of smiles! Happy holiday!
Dear mother of many children, I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish your life to be truly bright and eventful. I already know that this year you brought into the world the ninth child, and I want to offer you some tips to help maintain optimism and self-confidence.
For example, don't forget about auto-motivation and personal development: listen to motivational audio recordings in the furnace while she sings; read encyclopedias and aphorisms in the subway car.
Finally, do not forget about physical activity: run after your children when they dream of going on a route at the peak. That's all you didn't know yet, mother of many children!
Happy holiday!
Dear mother of many children, I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day and wish you optimism in life, great health and, of course, boundless love and respect from your children.
I know it's not easy to take care of so many children, but you certainly can handle it. And today I came with a gift - a self-learning mop bucket, which, in my opinion, will be a great helper in your work.
You can save a lot of time and effort! In addition, I am sure that with such a new tool, cleaning the house turns into a real pleasure. May your day be filled with smiles and good mood!
Dear mother of many children, today I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday dedicated to motherhood. You are an amazing and strong person who inspires us all.
Your life credo is endless love for your family, and looking at you is seeing how wonderful it can be to love and sacrifice yourself. On this day, I would like to wish you health, peace of mind, confidence and the unchanging love of children who are rightfully proud to be born and raised by you!
Happy holiday, dear mother of many children!
Dear mother of many children, on this special day I want to congratulate you on the holiday dedicated to motherhood! You have put all your efforts and care into raising each of your children, and I am sure that each of them loves and appreciates you.
Your family is your real wealth and you are undoubtedly one of the most important and valuable women in their lives. You deserve the best wishes, and I want to wish you only warmth and light in life, self-confidence and the fulfillment of all desires and dreams!
Thank you for being in your children's lives!
Dear mother of many children, today I would like to congratulate you on Mother's Day and thank you for being an ideal example for women around the world, especially for mothers of large families.
I know it wasn't easy for you. You were and still are the backbone of your extended family. You have gone through the difficulties, joys and sorrows that every mother with a large family has to face.
You showed us that life is a struggle and that only our mothers can give us support when we need it. I wish you good health, sincere love and prosperity!
Dear mother of many children! Your family is friends, love, generosity and confidence. Today I want to congratulate you entirely on the landing of your spirit and thank you for everything - for the weekends when you ride a bike or dizzying rides on the Christmas tree skating rinks, for the days when you prepare a festive dinner "for everyone", and also for everything objects that you draw and play with and then have us display in our offices.
Thank you for your wonderful children, they are the embodiment of your talents and kindness. Thank you for being such a great and wonderful mother! We wish you less dirty diapers, more time for yourself and the kids, and inspiration for creating a hit YouTube blog!
Dear mother of many children! Happy Mother's Day! You are a wonderful example of what is the embodiment of a mother of many children. You know how to cook the best dinner, say the right words and always be in time for this concert, with your fifth child.
We want to say - whether you win a card game or gather dust on a bookshelf, your courage, ability to love and care makes us just fall in love with you as our mother!
We wish all mothers of many children festive cupcakes and breakfast in bed!
Dear mother of many children! Congratulations on Mother's Day! Now we understand how convenient it is to be a mother of many children - there is no time to be bored!
You can enjoy the constant running around and chasing after children, who constantly lift your mood and spirit. You are a true master of organizing family life, and we respect you for all the work you do.
We wish you to relax and enjoy the holiday to which you have earned the right! Perhaps this is the first holiday when the children will leave you alone!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to congratulate you on a real holiday - Mother's Day. You are the person who makes every day of your life meaningful and beautiful.
You deserve all the gratitude, so let's start with the most sincere words! You are a real heroine who creates a paradise for her children, meets them with a smile and warmth.
You give them your love and time, understanding and patience, and this not only delights, but also provides new strength for life! May your children always be there, and the joy and love from them will flow like a river, like living water.
You are unique!
Dear mother of many children! Today, on Mother's Day, I want to congratulate you on the fact that you are a real highway that supports the life of your children and the whole family on a stormy wave.
Your participation in their lives gives them the opportunity to destroy barriers, believe in themselves and be themselves - successful and confident in their abilities.
May this holiday bring you new opportunities and unlimited ideas for the development of yourself and your children. I wish you the life you dream of. You are original!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to congratulate you on this year in honor of your beauty, respect and love for your children. You are a true lover of a large family and a welcome guest at children's parties.
You deserve all our best wishes! I wish you inspiring ideas for the development of your children, great fulfillment and much joy in life! You are unique!
Dear mother of many children! Today, on this beautiful day - Mother's Day - I want to congratulate you, be happy for you and wish you wonderful impressions from real people, friends, relatives who appreciate and love you for the work you do for your children and the entire large family.
Thank you for always being there and helping, that you have a unique sense of beauty that can inspire people around you. I wish you that every day the sun comes, endless joys from grateful children regarding your difficulties and good mood for the realization of all the most ambitious ideas.
You are wonderful, live life to the fullest, love and let love!
Dear mother of many children! Today, on Mother's Day, I want to congratulate and express my sincere gratitude for the fact that you are the basis and support of your large family, helping it to develop, live and enjoy every day.
I know how difficult it is, but using all your strength you are doing a real miracle, as the best mother for your children. I wish you health, warmth, kindness and a cozy home where you will be surrounded by the hearts of your loved ones and helpers.
May there always be a place in your life for generous love, attention and patience, and may your children be a source of pride for their brave mother! Be happy and confident in absolute superiority!
Dear mother of many children! Today, on Mother's Day, I want to congratulate you and thank you for the warmth, love and care that you slowly and diligently devoted to your children.
You are a real Mother who inspires them to be the best, bright and bold! I am glad that life gave us the opportunity of another holiday to convince you that we need you, and we thank you for every physical and mental work!
May every morning meet you happily and carefree, and may your heart always have confidence in the future! Take care of yourself and let life bring you joy and love!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to play a little joke on you and connect this holiday with the majority of men who celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Only you are the true protector of your family, aren't you?! To be honest, except for you and a few other women with many children who are capable of just about anything, a sob, and the hardest work.
You know a lot about how to support and balance the life expectations of all members of your family, providing them with everything they need for a comfortable and healthy life.
No manager can handle what you go through every day of your life. Double the number of children and many times more problems. You are definitely our Razor protecting our world!
Happy Mother's Day!
Dear mother of many children! Today is a holiday for all mothers, and I want to congratulate you and share some of my "wise" thoughts about parenthood. I am sure that you are a master of your craft, who can earn the honorary title of Chief Cook in the art of parenthood!
You are a true vitamin bomb, because you always make sure that your family is surrounded by only the best and most useful. We all know how patient you are, losing at least 80% of your hair because of our naughty actions.
Well, what can I say - you need to try to keep your title of Chief Cook of your family, because the competition is terrible! Happy Mother's Day, muse of our team!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to wish you a happy Mother's Day and offer a little joke that I hope will cheer you up. Well, you certainly deserve not only your amazing reputation as a reliable parent for your children, but the title of specialist in pastel dreams simply needs to be awarded to you!
How to smile when you think about all your talents in one place! And yet, we, your children, will be incredibly grateful to you for the fact that you provide unbearable support to all members of your family.
May this title bring you additional pleasure and laughter on this holiday. Happy Mother's Day!
For sms:
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to send you a short SMS congratulations on Mother's Day. I exclaim - a happy holiday! We are very grateful to you for everything you do for your children and family.
You are a model of wisdom, optimism and energy for us, and we know that we would not be able to live this life without you and your help. Today we honor you not only as a mother, but also as a wonderful woman, kind and sensitive, beautiful and charming.
I want to wish you peace of mind, energy and get rich with children. Happy Mother's Day, bow to you, your huge heart!
📱 Sms count: 9
Mother of many children! I want to join those who congratulate you on Mother's Day and express my deep gratitude for what you do every day. Your devotion, care and love for your children and family is indescribably important and essential for the normal functioning of society.
You represent everything we should strive for in life. I want to wish you good health, boundless love and respect from close and dear people, as well as many bright emotions and joy.
I can honestly say that we all love you deeply and deeply, and I am happy that you exist in this world.
📱 Sms count: 9
Dear mother of many children! Congratulations on Mother's Day! You are a real hero of strength and mercy, sparing no effort and time devoted to your family and children.
Your patience, love and devotion will never be appreciated, but know that for everyone who knows you and who loves you - you are a wonderful and irreplaceable person.
I wish you health, happiness and prosperity, as well as a powerful mood on this special day. May every day be filled with joy and fun, and may your family appreciate all the efforts you make every day.
Happy Mother's Day!
📱 Sms count: 8
Dear mother of many children! Today is a wonderful day when we must pay special attention to all the mothers of the world and, of course, to you, as a real heroine raising many wonderful children.
Your large family is a source of pride and happiness, and a reason for which no effort should be spared. You are a wonderful and unique person who deserves the best wishes.
I wish you good health, incredible success, happiness embodied in your every day, and a peaceful sky above your head. I would like to say how important it is for us, distant observers, what you do in this life.
You are a wonderful mother of many children, and we live happily knowing that you are there and that you love our children. Thank you for your existence.
Happy Mother's Day!
Good afternoon, mother of many children! On this important date, I want to convey to you the very best wishes that can only be expressed in words. Today you deserve to be wished all the best - good health, boundless love that inspires you with strength and an example on which you could learn how to properly raise wonderful children.
You are a real hero, sacrificing a lot of your time and energy for the well-being of your family, and this cannot be ignored. I wish you all the best that exists in this world, including a sea of sunshine, a huge amount of luck, longevity and eternal love.
Happy mother's day, mother of many children!
Dear mother of many children! On this beautiful day, I want to send you the warmest congratulations on Mother's Day. You are a real example for all of us who believe in family values and honor parental love.
You are doing everything possible to make your children happy, and this is admirable. With all my heart I wish you good health, a lot of strength and energy to continue your noble mission of raising children.
May your children always be there to support and motivate you, and may your family prosper and please you with their achievements. Be happy mother of many children!
Happy Mother's Day, mother of many children! On this beautiful day, I want to join everyone who congratulates you on your main holiday and wish you everything that you can only dream of.
You are a real hero who cares about children and your entire family, and this cannot but command respect. I wish you good health, prosperity, love and happiness.
For a mother of many children, every day is filled with joy and pleasant chores - the best textbook to take care of children, to be on a par with the most difficult situations in the birth of new lives.
You and your family are an example for those who are trying to live a free and happy life. Be healthy and happy, mother of many children!
Dear mother of many children! I want to congratulate you on the upcoming Mother's Day and wish you much health, joy and peace. You deserve the best because you are the person who makes the toughest decisions and handles an incredible amount of responsibility.
You are a mother of many children, and this speaks for itself - you are a real hero of our time. I wish you that your life is full of laughter, love and joy, and that your children always delight you with their successes and achievements.
You are a great example for other mothers of many children who raise their children with love and care. Best wishes, Happy Mother's Day! Be happy mother of many children!
Dear mother of many children! Today I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity and peace in your soul. You deserve all the best in the world, because you are the real heroine of your family.
Your life is filled with bright moments, free love and true meaning. I wish you good health, success in your activities and long life with your children.
May your family always be an example to others, and you yourself be a sign that a caring mother of many children is not just a representative of people, but a real legend of our time.
Let only love and harmony surround you. Happy Mother's Day, mother of many children!
Dear mother of many children! When I look at you, I perceive you as a tough and strong woman who has achieved a lot in her life and continues to move only forward.
You are a real example for other mothers of large families and those who would blush at the success you have achieved so far. I wish you much happiness, joy and peace so that your heart is filled with the love and happiness you deserve.
Be a proud person, a cool mom, and continue to inspire others with your successes and achievements. May your children and spouse be by your side, always support you in all your endeavors and guarantee quick results.
With best wishes and congratulations from a sympathetic person! Happy mother's day, cool mother of many children!
On this wonderful holiday, I want to congratulate you, dear mother of many children, and wish you all the best. You are a real cool mother, raising her children with love and care, able to cope with difficulties and achieve goals.
You have all the qualities that a person needs to be successful in life, and you continue to demonstrate them in your affairs. I wish you to continue to move only forward, enjoy the closeness of your family, and enjoy life.
Let your children grow up cool, smart and grateful that they have such a wonderful mother of many children like you. I congratulate you, cool mother of many children, on Mother's Day!
Dear mother of many children! On this beautiful Mother's Day, I want to congratulate you and send my regards. I admire you because you are a real idol for your children, who have a huge number of examples of their mother of many children to overcome difficulties.
You are a cool mom who solves all the most difficult issues, takes care of the family and maintains harmony in the house. I wish you joy and happiness, prosperity and peace.
Let your children be as cool and strong as you are. I believe that your life is full of achievements, and you continue to please your loved ones with your successes.
Congratulations on Mother's Day, cool mother of many children!
Congratulations on Mother's Day to a mother of many children is a special, sincere and touching event in honor of women who raise many children. This is the day we acknowledge all of their care, love and work they put into our families and into our community life. Congratulations on Mother's Day to a mother of many children is gratitude for all the sacrifices they make in their lives, and for their patience, wisdom and continuous care for their children.