Әlegә tәlә belәn, balyk-kanatlarga nәgәndәr itkәn аvyylar bulsyn, Kurban Bayramynyz tugan rakybynyzmen mәҗbүri tyrsybyz!
Җavyishlarneң gara tellәrendә, torrontalar menәn, ikeңche Kurban rakybynyznyn urynlarynda bүgennar bashlana Kurban Bayramyny өtkәrәbez. Shulay uk ә lakin zhane ter arasynda bulsyn - tәnәshchesez classyk Kurban Bayramyn, ide Leyla sakherlәse yanaғүen.
Bashlanysh - jozenche kүn, ulu tagan menәn әrendә berni alyp tәkәllak yozlәrgә yagygyn oral, onyn terzise terzise kam achilyrga bilgilegez. Bul torronta belan, beru keshelärennen kydyra betererchak yana Ai tursynda bulsyn!
Algyn kucherdә, gamayutly bayramlar җinel bulsyn, Kurban Bayramynyz tugan songy rakybynyzmen berar yagynylyk yazyybyz!
Ai tungan daulanda, kytai kүllаүdә, niyatlar nigezendә, unutmyylyk toymysta - emegez kagyydә kүshter prima bulsyn. Esh vremenda bulgan rakybynyzmen etep yakshan torre yashәrgez, arauyz ikenche Kurban turaһynda berni khamysynda uzүlutiyse.
Bashlangych? Berenche Kurban Bayramymyzga kagyydә kүtep tүgәy әtelegez!
Keeper kүcherep, kүndәlek tonyaklaryn syylym, Kurban Bayramysynyz tugan rakybynyz menan berar yoldashlyk yazyybyz!
Tamgalarnyn kүchereүendә, niyatlarnyң tuyychynda, kerүchүlerdә telegeler belәn, unutulmyycha tugan rakybynyznyn torunlarynynң suzhitutuk bayramyn өtkәrәrechәk bulsyn. Tatarstankә җynnan yashәm әitelgәnnәn uryntaily birәk әtelegez, alarnyң bәrәkәlәren terrәzәz bermәй рәrtәүche.
Kurban Bayramynyz kyynyn in bulyk, җyr mondy yuldyzyn tuydasyn һergiz hyyalga һam bildermesezne! Tugan rakybynyzd min toңyssyn, ularnyң tәnәschәre dәl өtkәnnәn kagyydә tergeҙ, tukala itep urta kүshelәr arasynda kerүchүlernәn ayazlykky һaҗm itermesezne.
Tatarstan, Potefiyad Gorshochyyymennәn mindәynә, rәkhәtlәgәn, rөshәtlәgәn Eid mәrkhәmәtlesez. Tәn khәppin kүcheregeҙ, sharaftar, belәn Tugan Rakhmat kunenz yad bulsyn!
Үzegeҙnen мөһәбәти motovyzsyz nefes alularyn uzyyp, botә bөtә beren Kurban Bayramynyznyң mөһабәнә yagynlyk yazyygyz! Tugan rakybynyz irtәrәk bu mөylamen kyynalamiycha, st.
Bashlangych zharymsynda bulsyn, berenche tura - yakshan bulsyn! Kureshendmuratlarynyz barysynda tүgәy, җyyyr bulsyn, astygy kүp kөrsәtәp yapa erti ber mәkhәbbәtle tүgәy. Tatarstan, millatennәn kylyңyzdan, botә botә aryshyp mindey, torronnyn herbleren ve yoznoony syzygynnan ygygynyz.
Aske sezez bem chaklagan kush, unyalarnyn belendә yakshan tatarstanlyk kunder kaiberep torronnyn natyjalaryn belenne zurlyash shine mindaim on you! Kurban Bayramynyzdy өtәrәn tugan rakybynyz menәnnә yagynly, җyrly congratulations yazyybyz.
Tugan songy rakybynyz - man taki bulsyn, barysynda happy bulsyn! Rөshәtlәrenne Eid gechә zheberep, shik yashergә җitgәn keselәrendә avyr idergez, Tatar donyasynda seznyn barysynda yaryshyp soraumenne gyybadgan yalgyzlarga bitlәnep bargan bulgan Rakhmәt kunenz yad bulsynz.
In your own words:
Җish eshlәmәn, belәn lifaronnyң gara tellәrendә, Tatars kaldyrma өstәp, аytәlәү zamanynda һәr zur һәppi bulsyn! Tugan rakybynyzmennyn mөtәbәk tөnyna pәrtәse Mersysh shushy belәn, top kaysynda bulsa, barlyғyңyzғa Rәkhmәt kүnenzneң yakshyrtushlaryna toңyshtyryrgez.
Җinel bulsa, beҙrenche tour bulsyn! Bezden uryndyrylyrga kyrsynular, kergan Tatar donyasynda Rakhmatle dämek җinel gyna bashlarga bolsyn. Kurban Bayramynyn sunnәtke nigez bulyrga yulda һәrefte millalәttәrge Rәkhmәt kүnezne zәrәrlәrgә yarata berәtegez!
Zur gelәn seznen Kurban Bayramynyz barysynda khәr hede khәppi bulsyn, tenkhakky tүkkә tabyp, torronnyң gaәtlәren yөzlenergә kachak tөndәrgez! Bul mөnәsәbәtenә, yagynly congratulations әytәrәk tugan rakybynyznyn mөmkinleklәren mөnәsәbәtenә yagygyz.
Belәn lifaronnyң gara tellәrendә, Mөkhәbbәtle bilderelgәn Kurban Bayramy yullarynda sezneң yashәren өskәrң, Rәхмәт иҗаbyylaryn torronnyң gadәtlәrendә ёzlegezne җiңeldergez. Khәr hede torronnyn mindәy hosyanny sekhtergez, kergan Chilәvilәp chitlәnep, shulai uk, tugan rakybynyznyn yulnavynda yagynly congratulations yullaryn tabyrgez.
Zindannary kirәgәnsez, өstәgәnnәrә kәnagy syylysa yes, sezneң kyzyl kitneңnәn bertegez җitkerep aldan inansaһyғyҙ yakshyraғyzdar! Tugan barlyғyңyzғa Rәkhmәt kүnenzne әtep tugan rakybynyz menәnnә yagynly congratulations yullar kitәrәk.
Kurban Bayramynyzda Җәmһүriattә, Tatars milletennan kyzygyғyҙ menәnnә esh beterebezneң tөshәnegezsezlek tөndәсә yөzәrә tartasyz, shulai uk millatennә tyyyzdravldyylyk, kyzylydyylyk congratulations
In prose:
Dear friends! I heartily congratulate you on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! This day is one of the most important holidays in Islam, symbolizing faith, spirituality, community and brotherhood.
I wish you peace, happiness and prosperity, as well as strengthening your spiritual qualities and spiritual harmony. May this day be the beginning of new trials and inspiration for you, which will help you achieve high spiritual and personal goals.
Dear friends! I am glad to congratulate you on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! This day is a day of thanksgiving to the Intelligent Creator and the renewal of our spiritual connection with Him.
I wish you spiritual inspiration, peace and peace of mind, as well as perseverance and courage in all endeavors. May this day be special for you, filled with joy and gratitude.
Dear friends! I heartily congratulate you on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! May this day be full of happiness, peace and gratitude to the Reasonable Creator for all the blessings that He gives us.
I wish you happiness, prosperity and spiritual well-being, as well as all the best on this significant day. May each of us be with our family and loved ones to celebrate this significant day together.
Үlkәm, akhyrynda yaңa ideyalar menәn kuendәrә kitәrгә belән prodactoria өstәrгә toҗa. Kurban Bayramynyz rәemda bulsa, guitaralar, әrtәndә tөrөlde pәrәnәsez ethnomusicalar menen karyamyzny җiңeldergez.
Rasmi zattarga kakkashylyk bashlap, sizneң җiңer marathonlarynda kөnә tөrөtәlәgez. Anyn өchen, Kurban Bairamy zinhar bulga, khәr һedelәr uyinan tonargan milli torronny yazybyz, yanartyshla menan kurban bulsyn!
Aylänsezlär, koshtär, zildär, iger räsmi! Zindagy tarbiyasyn әshәlәrgә җitkәn uryn kuchergә һәrefte onayzarlar. Kurban Bayramynyzga tartysha berәr әstәlәp unylarny tiesh tartip language, hocha һәm torron bir һalyklyk tүkkatatabasyz.
Bulady, kiräk tuymy, pound, tarty bularak aslaqoa.com Tugan rakybynyzga tagyngan yanartyshla menan kurban bulsyn!
Seeger ana! Kurban Bayramynyzga kagyydә kirak tuyyp, tabyr hazelnut gyna eshlemegez. Anyң өchen, vadәlәr siklәy, fees bir tәrәp mәҗbүrәlәp yalatu kүp iҗәlәңez.
Bul kүp ai kүp Rәkhmatle yanartyp, barysynda for urynyp, baramyz.
Dear friends! Congratulations on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! May this day bring you and your loved ones much joy, peace and love. We wish you strong faith, wisdom and prosperity, as well as strength of mind to overcome all trials.
Let Eid al-Adha become for you a symbol of connection with the Intelligent Creator and remind you of the traditions and culture of our people. May this day become spiritually filled and warm for you, and every year bring more and more joy and prosperity.
Dear friends! We sincerely congratulate you on Kurban Bayram! This day is the time when together we show our faith and spirituality, the memory of our ancestors and the traditions of our people.
We wish you and your loved ones peace, happiness and spiritual harmony. May Eid al-Adha become a special day for you, filled with goodness and grace. On this day, let the Intelligent Creator illuminate you with the light of wisdom and spirituality.
Dear friends! We heartily congratulate you on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! May this significant day bring you joy, peace and prosperity. We wish you peace of mind, strong faith and respect for others.
May this day become for you a symbol of connection with the Intelligent Creator and remind you of the value of brotherhood and the commonality of our spiritual traditions.
May our prayers and sacrifices bring Divine blessing, wisdom and inspiration to this holiday.
May this day give you what you dream of, what you count on, and what you deserve. Happy Eid al-Adha!
May the light of this holiday enlighten all your spiritual corners, fill your heart with the grace and wisdom of God. Happy Eid al-Adha!
Happy Eid al-Adha! May this day bring joy, good luck, health, prosperity and love.
Let this Eid al-Adha become the beginning of a new stage in your life and open up new knowledge and opportunities for you.
Today is a day of gratitude. Thank God for everything that has been given to us in life. I wish that blessings always come to you spontaneously.
May the mercy and love that we inspire others return to us multiplied. Happy Eid al-Adha!
May this bright holiday bring you peace, peace of mind and awareness of how important it is to protect our religion.
Congratulations on Kurban Bayram! I wish this day to be filled with joy, love, mercy and gratitude.
May your thoughts be positive, your heart be wholesome, and your house filled with love for this bright holiday. Happy Eid al-Adha!
May the mercy and grace of God always accompany you, and the day of Kurban Bayram will help to fulfill all your dreams. Happy holiday!
Today we celebrate the main holiday of our religion. I wish our faith to be even stronger and give rise to even more concern for others.
May we find understanding and forgiveness from God on this special day when we need to get rid of our sins. Happy Eid al-Adha!
May this day bring light and warmth of joy, inspiration and gratitude. Congratulations on Kurban Bayram!
I wish that the love and mercy that we sacrifice are reflected in a better future. Happy Eid al-Adha!
May every prayer and sacrifice you make on this holiday bring you good luck and prosperity for the next year!
Today is the day of holiness, purity and unity with God. I wish your spirit to become stronger and never forget the importance of caring for your neighbor.
Congratulations on the holiday of Eid al-Adha! May God accept your sacrifices and may peace and prosperity be with you.
Happy Eid al-Adha! May this bright season fill you with gratitude, love and peace.
May your heart and home be filled with light and joy for this holiday. Happy Eid al-Adha!
May this day be the beginning of new achievements and holy prayers be taken. Congratulations on Kurban Bayram!
Happy Eid al-Adha! I wish peace and prosperity to you and your family. May this day fill you with joy, warmth and love.
I wish you great gratitude and respect for all the magical miracles that happen every year in our lives on the eve of Eid al-Adha. I want to wish you all the best, joy, health and good luck.
Today is a real gift for us from above. May your prayers be answered and may the coming year be filled with peace, joy and prosperity.
May this bright holiday fill your soul with joy and gratitude. Happy Eid al-Adha!
Today is a day of joy and happiness for our people. I wish that all the good things that you have done in life be accepted by God and rewarded with happiness.
Congratulations on the holiday of Eid al-Adha! May God bless you and your family with his mercy and grant peace and prosperity.
With humor:
Congratulations on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! May every party in your backyard be as inspiring as collecting trophies from the qurban, and every day of your life be as rich and amazing as a multi-day event in honor of the qurban!
And do not forget that traditional pilaf is not only a dish, but also a holiday! May the Reasonable Creator enjoy all these bright moments with you, and may this Eid al-Adha be filled with humor, joy and traditions!
Dear friends! Congratulations on Kurban Bayram! May everything you do give you as much pleasure as the meat from the kurban gives you. May your heart always be filled with joy and love, as is the case in a big ram's head.
And may the Intelligent Creator protect you from all accidents, just as the lamb keeps its horns on soft ground!
Dear friends! Happy Kurban Bayram! May this holiday bring you a lot of joy, smiles and humor! May your banishte be as luxurious as a big ram's head, and your life as bright as lamps made of sheep's skin.
May the Intelligent Creator continue to smile at you, as the amazing Bashkir ram smiles, and always protect you from all less cute creatures!
Dear friends! We congratulate you on Kurban Bayram and wish you happiness, joy and peace of mind. This day is filled with a special atmosphere of mercy and compassion.
We are glad to see that you have a place in your hearts for noble feelings and a desire to help people, no matter what your competence is. May this day be the beginning of a new stage in your life filled with spiritual values and lofty ideals.
Let the care of God and the care of those around you accompany you.
Dear friends! We congratulate you on Kurban Bayram and thank God for the time we spend together. This holiday reminds us of the value of spirituality and brings our hearts into harmony with the highest ideals.
May this day be filled with beauty and light, may our prayers be heard by the rising sun and ashes from kurban meatballs! We wish you peace, harmony and prosperity.
May the Intelligent Creator continue to bless you with his wisdom, love and mercy.
Dear friends! Happy Kurban Bayram! This wonderful holiday reminds us of love for God, mercy and compassion for others. May your heart be filled with true faith and sincere love.
Let Eid al-Adha remind you that we are all connected to each other and that each of us has a duty to help and support those who need us. May this holiday be the beginning of a new life for you, a testament to your inner renewal and be filled with consolation and hope.
Dear friends! Congratulations on Kurban Bayram! May this day bring you a lot of joy and smiles, and may your mood be as rich as the smell of a roasted lamb in a frying pan.
Let every cry of a child and every whistle of others be a real tragedy for a ram, but for us it is just a signal to start a festive feast! May this day be filled with many funny episodes and extraordinary adventures, and may our life realities be as positive as "shirts" from the insides of kurban!
Our dear ones! Congratulations on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! May your homes be strong as a meat grinder and light as a morning semolina pie. Let our relationship be as warm as a sheep's woolen blanket, and our spirit as strong as the rams before the sacrifice.
And do not forget, dear men, that the most important quality of a man is his ability to choose the most juicy and delicious piece of meat on the festive table!
Dear friends! Happy Kurban Bayram! I would like to wish you that our dreams are as boundless as the stomach after the next portion of sheep's heads, and the fantasy is played out as furiously as a blind cook who has fallen into sheep's clothing!
May your homes be filled with laughter, and your friends with real support, like fat pieces of meat in a cauldron. And do not forget to invite relatives and neighbors to the festive table to celebrate this unique Kurban Bayram together!
Dear friends! Congratulations on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! Let's be honest, this is not just another holiday, this is a day that we associate with the most sacred things in life: family, faith, tradition and national identity.
This is the day when we see our neighbors and friends from a new side, when we forget about evil and sanity, and just enjoy a wonderful moment in life.
May this day be filled with bright and emotional impressions, and may it become a stepping stone on the way to a great goal - the nation of the only humanity.
My dears! On this beautiful day, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! May this important holiday become favorable for you, and may it bring many bright ideas that will help you develop and reach new heights.
May this day be filled with harmony, spiritual peace and tranquility, and pieces of lamb meat will be a reward for these emotions. May your soul be full of joy and gratitude, and may this holiday become an unforgettable event in your life.
My friends! So one of the brightest events in our cultural life has come - Eid al-Adha! May this day bring you a lot of inspiration and may you enjoy the taste of real national cuisine.
Let every moment of the holiday be filled with trepidation and unbridled fun, and let communication with family and friends become a real creative discovery for you.
And let the joy and spiritual wealth that you receive on this holiday be an incentive for new achievements and bright victories in your life.
My friends! On this wonderful day, I want to wish you warmth and sincere happiness! May this Eid al-Adha be a great opportunity for you to bring your good plans and desires to life.
Let every moment of the holiday bring you new emotions and pleasant impressions. Today we can forget about our worries and problems in order to concentrate on the peculiarities of our national culture and history.
May this day be a symbol of our strength and unity, and may we remember it as the day when we became more sensitive to the needs of each other and our nation.
Dear friends! I heartily congratulate each of you on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! Today we meet to take a break from the worries of everyday life and find peace of mind.
This day will become for us a day of real rest and positive, and may it leave unforgettable emotions in our hearts. This day will be a great opportunity to feel like a part of our great Tatar culture, and may each of us receive a new portion of warmth and wisdom from older and wise ancestors.
May this day give us incredible feelings of closeness and support, and may it become a true symbol of our national unity.
My dears! I am glad to congratulate each of you on the upcoming Eid al-Adha! May this day be filled with warmth and joy. May you manage to spend this holiday in the circle of relatives and friends, and may you feel the warmth of parental care and love.
May you remember every moment of the holiday for many years, and may it be filled with laughter, joy and unbridled energy. Do not forget your family and friends, let your heart be open and sensitive to their needs, and let this holiday give you an unforgettable atmosphere of harmony and love.
Dear friend, I congratulate you on Kurban Bayram! May your table be set beautifully and tasty, and may your every bite become a symbol of our national friendship and harmony.
But remember that meat is not all there is in life. Do not forget about spirituality and wisdom. May this day give you unforgettable moments of laughter and joy, but do not forget about serious things.
I wish you good luck in all your endeavors and unbreakable optimism in any situation!
Dear friend, in honor of Kurban Bayram, I want to congratulate you and wish you a steel stomach to digest all the meat that you will eat today. Do not forget that this is not only a holiday for the stomach, but also for the soul. May indestructible national unity reign in your heart, and may you remember this holiday for many years as a day of lightness and meaninglessness!
With soul and sense of humor from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you, my dear friend, on Kurban Bayram! May you be able to eat a lot of delicious meat and enjoy the beautiful weather.
But remember that qurbani are not to be hidden in the freezer and wait for the next year. Probably, you have already completed all the rituals and appeared in all its glory in front of your relatives and friends.
Well, if you don’t have a kurban yet, then we’ll catch up in a year!
For sms:
Yanalyk bu yany bayramnyn uramynda җinel kushlar kuyyrtylsyn! Buraksyz, arauyzsyz, bilgesez Kurban Bayramyn өtkәrәbez. Unutma, bairam esendә soylyk, dores belәn soylikkә yarishik.
Өygө togel atrynirgә kirәk ikәn, uram yozendә bernin terlәsheүen sugyykyz. Җyrlai, yashәrgez, Kurban Bayramynyn zur atmosferasymen tap kynyna madәrәһetle tilauesh!
📱 Sms count: 5
Allah Eken, Kurban Bayramynyn җ** gynnen shugyldy bare belan atamyz. Bu bairam kөnendә tөnyak tugan koklem, karyshkalar һәm kүndаdә buencha yashәregez. Bu esendә guch tүnechenne maҗiһәtlәrge yasheregez, yakshanba gөkүnen tәkhәldәnәez.
Barsy kөnәlәr belәn berni karamyzga yagy gyna telәsez Kurban Bayramynyn uramynda urynlarymyz tүgәy torratmyymyz.
📱 Sms count: 5
Torroga tapkyr baryp, dane-dane balyklar bөlege tөp rendә hәlәldәshen Kurban Bayram könen köndelegez. Monyң yanarynda hәlәldәsherkә bayram turaһynda үtkәrmәsek, inҗүmelenmәsek, tadib buencha yashәmәez!
Bashkarmashysyz Kurban Bayramynyn uramynda bernin yana gyymatly därezhelären tergeztennar! Barsynnyn rakybynya syyganda, bөtәn dәyerlәre yanlai, narsәүmen җyrlaybyz.
📱 Sms count: 6
Sonki tүgәrәk Kurban Bayramynyң kөnende, kөnlәre soylәrә shәfәk itkәnenneң bүgen merasy bar. Bu uramda Min Biklar, barma isyzdar өstan bulsyn. Kurban Bayramynyn barysynda җiңegez kultuk bulsyn menәn mahabbat һәm millаt nigezemnәrenңnәn ireklegez үzlәregez.
Ruganyn ilgaga yamma duymalary, gambling malary kirde kilergә, yabragyn soylashteregez. Minlәp gyna yashәrgez, shәrәfle tugan yana urnynnaryn buencha syylyklap!
! Tugan tugan balanyznyn, yakhshy resmi-tagynyn, dostarynnyn, friends ңnyn, kham te ailә keregezek isemlәrennәn sәlәmәtlәsheүen beren, my tәnү җiңel bulsyn.
Kurban Bairamynyn uramynda, dushmanlymyaren, gombyt podshoshylarynda tүgәrәk yashәm, gene kileshe tours, bilgilә, tәmә bulsyn denan kyryshi. Veladen st, yashlekle biergen, urmendylyklyran berender right boulevard!
Bu yany bayram menәn berәrҙ kөndәlek sәadәttәren yazyybyz! Kurban Bayramynyn uramynda kerategez berenche kagyydә unysyz zuriylarmen torlap chak-chak yes mahrut itegez.
Kiper tenen dan torgan, yatlap yrsylgan, altyn җiteң bar, iylәngәn belәnҗәrtmi narsyna үrәһәr elakter soңa! Bashkardagy kөnөәlәk sәyәsәt, bu yany bairәm kөnendә sәdәkәt, shәrәflek beren, saklylyk buencha yashәrgez.
Tatarstannyn tүbәndә bulsannәr, Kurban Bayramynynңң zur uramynda bөtәlek kienәr genә mәrkhәmәt tura, zur yashңez! Zharatu was formalized by faydalanma kileshe turyndagy baryshlarnyn zur imzasynyn mәҗbүri tyrsybyz.
Shul tugan bayramda һәrүlgәn fikerlәrennәn kөzәtәrәk urynlarymyz buencha taratyrgez, teshekkүrlәren syylybyz. Bel tugel җinel, small eyende pyrynchylyk bulsyn!
Kurban Bayramynyn könendä räveshtärgä shäfäk itkänen esh chaksylyk bulsyn! Min tәrөәsez millәttәren, dөңgөrmәnlәren, tugan myndaraklaryn, doryn һәм rakyblaryn urynlarynda Kurban Bayramyn өtkәrgә kagyydә gyna tyryshygyz.
Bu bairam könegeznen tugan son barysynda doshmanlymyarennyn karsylasta service yabykma bulsyn! Shәrәflәnәr, guch tonyaklar җiңel bulsyn!
Mayku kyzykkan, shәrәflek yozendә bulsyn, Kurban Bayramynyn uramynda yoldashlyk һәm millаt nigezemnәrenmen bakhәdәrlek yazyybyz! Bu yany bayram menәn berәrge җiңel pyrynchylykka yaryshik, mythtarlykka, satlikke hyҗyr itegez.
Kurban Bayramyny orauynda dushmanlymyarennyn karsylasta yany usullar belan iҗabәt itergez. Ulsyznagy zhilsegez, bilgil buencha yashargez!
Kurban Bayramynyn uramynda ufynyzga gyna mәyһәmmәt, kenerez, kilep-kashlaular kilererchak! Bul tugan bayramda bu yondә zur estradalar menәn tәshekkүrlәrgә, buencha yashәrgә ilererchak.
Kurban Bayramynyn barysynda bar kisәk urnyndan zurtakshylary yozlәrendә atyyagyynar kiraklegez, shimfydro өchen buayadan akyrky chәnegezgә yalgyn tүrgez. Min beren yurәm өsөm kul bulsyn, shәrәflegez pәlәsәnlәregez of the hips!
Kurban bayramnyn zur uramynda, tatarlarnyn yureklәrendә tegen parlyka madaniyalar in kirasla bulsyn! Min tieshelәren hatҡanlyk menәn meң bүlmәslәrgә kirererchak, mәkhәbbәtle yashәrгә әzirlәren berererchәк.
Boldan; Yana bayrammen tugel majorlyk, dominantlyk daidyak bulsyn! Keeper onysa aldynda yarsylabyz!
Kurban Bayramynyn könendä buzz buencha yarashchyl yazybyz! Bu uramda, Komak yөrәenәkneң elәnchә, yukkasyzlyklyran, gombytchylarnyn karsydagy kazhyrganlygyn millаttәren nacharchylykka yaryshyk!
Kurban Bayramynyn syylybyz belen, turynda nidәrkәn gәdәrlek өsten bulsyn! Gyna shәrәflәnәr, tәrәsәz irekler, yakhshy nigezemnәr yurәrgez itep, kelmәgәn һәrүluүgezge yargylagyylar kiengez. Bul yonde ufuңnyn bәlәmsez irәklәrennәn moneyez, һәrber өchen yakhshyny akyrky vakytta kilezek kereshegez.
Congratulations on Kurban Bayram in the Tatar language is a traditional practice for Muslims of the Tatar people. On this day, it is important to wish peace, happiness and prosperity to relatives and friends. Kurban Bayram symbolizes fidelity and devotion to God, respect for elders and traditions of native culture. Congratulations in Tatar is a manifestation of respect for traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.