On Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we continue to thrive with our talented and gifted writers!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Tauelsizdik kunimen, bizder zhenіldik beretin zhazushi toptarmen damyp zhatyrmyz!
Tauelsizdik kүnimen, bіzdіn elіmіz narygyndaғy kolіk sapasy men tazhіribesі bolyp tabylady!
On Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, our country is taking important steps towards research which is vital to our growth!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Tauelsizdik kunimen, bizdin elimiz kөliktі manyzdy bolatyn zertteudin zholyndagy kadamdarmen zhүrgizip zhatyr!
Citizens! On Independence Day, let us come together and create new opportunities to make our country strong!
Azamattar! Tauelsizdik kunimen birge, bіzge birengay mүmkindikter zhaksylaytyn el bolynyz!
On Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you have the opportunity to finance participation in global events!
Tauelsizdik kunimen Kazakhstan Republicsyndagy zhaksy dunielik katarlarga katysu zholynda karzhylandyru mүmkіndіgіnіz bar!
On Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, we reaffirm our commitment to ourselves and to further developing our country!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Tauelsizdik kunimen, biz oz ozimizge zhane eldin uyin-elin damytuғa senim bermiz!
With the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you have the chance to preserve our country's rich cultural heritage!
Kazakhstan Republics tauelsіzdіgіmen bіrge sіz bіzdіn elіmіzdіn құndylyқ pіldegіnіn tyyim saluғa mүmkіndіgіңіz bar!
Together with Independence Day, Kazakhstan presents a united front against the challenges our country faces!
Tauelsizdik kүnimen bіrge Kazakhstan kayly tuyndaidy zhane elіmіzdіn korkіlі reshetіlіkterіne қarsy tүsіnudі mүmkіndіgіңіz bolada!
We always strive to continue to develop and maintain our independence, progress and well-being of our country!
Tәuelsіzdіgіmіzdі saktau, іlgerіlіkke salu zhәne elіmіzdіn zhақsylygyn қalyptauy үshіn bіz аrқashan zhanartyp zhүremiz!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn tәuelsizdіgі shynayy elіmіzdіn moltүbelіk өtіnіshіsi bollyp tabylady!
The Independence Day in Kazakhstan demonstrates the influence of all unique cultures and independence in the Kazakh nation!
Kazakhstandagy tәuelsizdik kүnі Қazaқ elіnіn barlyқ zhane әrtүrlі өzіndіk madenietteri men tәuelsіzdіktіn аserіn kөrsetedі!
With the blessings of our independence, we can hold hands with each other and make our country a highly educated nation!
Tauelsіzdіgіmіzdіn құttyғymen, bіz bіr-bіrіmіzdіn қolyn қoldanyp, elіmіzdіn bіlіktі elіn zhogary deңgeyde қalyptauға boladymyz!
Kazakhstan's pride is represented by thousands of leaders and the opening of the "Astana Arena," which serves as a symbol for teaching new cultures!
Kazakhstan yargysy - myndagan commanders of "Astana Arnasy" men kensesinin ashyluy siyakty, zhana madenietter belgili muddelerdi oқytudyn kөrsetkіsh bolyp tabylady!
Kazakhstan elіmіzdіn tаuelsіzdіgі bіzge zhүregіmіzdin tүbіrіn qadirleu mүmkіndіgіn beredi!
The Republic of Kazakhstan has a prosperous economy, industries, and modern technologies that contribute to the development of the world!
Kazakhstan Republics құtty economy, kasiporyndar, gylym men technology zhasauyna zamanaui zhondeilikke sai umtylyp zhatyr!
Happy 29th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence! We ask our youth to maintain unity and goodness!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn tәuelsіzdіgіnіn 29 zhyldyғyra құtty bolsyn! Zhastarymyz birliktі zhaksylykty kalyptauyn otinemiz!
Tauelsizdik kүnimen bіrge, bіz bіr-bіrіmіzge kөmektesemіz, өzіmіzdі zhane elіmіzdі zhақsy zhағdayda terezelіmіzge shyғaramyz!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn tauelsizdik kүnіninің құtty bolsyn! Bizdin elimizdin puyrymda kaluy kerek!
On this chosen and important day, we move forward with independence, tolerance, and unity in Kazakhstan!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn taңdaғan, moltubelik өtіnіshі — bіzdіn tаuelsіzdіk, bаsekege senіmdіlіk zhane bіrdeylіkpen zhүzege asyru!
We congratulate you, Kazakhstan, and must continue to use our time and spiritual foundation to move forward!
Kuttyқtaimyz, Kazakhstan! Өzge uaқytpen әuezhaiyқpen zhane ruhaniy құramanyzben tyңdauymyz kerek!
Kazakhstan's Independence Day is just around the corner on August 28th. Let's be honest with ourselves!
Bұқsқa segіz zhүlde Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn tauelsіzdik kүnі atap otyr. Shyndykpen berik bolynyz!
On Independence Day, we express our gratitude for our life and strive to make it the best it can be!
Tauelsizdik kүnimen birge, bіz kelіsetіn bagytta oz omіrіmіzdі үzdіk saparғa saluga mіnnetіmіzdі otіnemіz!
Zhastarlar! Kazakh kelіnіz bіzdin tаuelsіzdіk kүnіmіzdin zhenіsіn kuattylaytyn ate bolynyz!
Tauelsizdik kүnіnіn sіzderge zhәne azirge generationңіzge kalay emes big tusіndiruge bolada!
We wait for the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Today, we stand together against the global issues facing the world!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Tauelsizdik kүnіn kutіmіz! Buginde dunien globaldyk zorlyktarymen birge bolyp zhatyrmyz!
Congratulations on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! We ask you to take good care of our youth!
Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn Tauelsizdik kүnimen құttyқtaimyz! Zhastarymyzga zhaksy may mұқtazh etuіңіzdі өtіnemіz!
With humor:
Despite the tireless efforts, Kazakhstan has not achieved independence and tranquility overnight. When discussing these possibilities, we are reminded of our commitment to providing a quality education in schools at the most remote corners of the country. However, when taking into account current developments, we celebrate Kazakhstan's Independence Day, a legitimate, impartial, and colorful world of opportunities that we traverse with our patriotic spirits.
We learned a great deal from the remarkable history of Kazakhstan, we enriched and reaffirmed our unique cultural identity, we preserved the human resources necessary for managing workloads, and finally, we succeeded in forming a world-renowned image of our country with international achievements in arts and sciences. At its heart, we hold dear one of Kazakhstan's symbols, the Mykopol dish, which was featured in a variety of programs along our journey. This year's anniversary celebrates our nation's triumphs of the past, and unites us with the cherished laurels of our love for our country.
Біз Қазақстандықтың тарихындағы ғажап мұңдыққа үйрендік, мадениетіміздің ерекше атты келісімін жорықтадық, еңбек басқаруға арналған адамдық ресурстарын сақтауға тәшілдік, сонымен қатар жаратылған халықаралық өнерліктермен еліміздің әлемде дәстүрлі ауқымын құйып өттік. Ol ozіnde bіzderdin soltyғymyzdyң symbols of the Bulgarians, kaidauymyzda bіzben birge ötken Maykopul tagamy kөpshe programlarmen zhariyalағan. Onymen katar, bүgіngі zhyldyn nazarynda elіmіzdіn құtқaruymen kaitys bolғan sүyіktik zhorymyz laurymyzmen zhinalada!
Our country's towering achievements in peace and change, its prosperous experience, its dedicated leaders who set the pace for the young generation with pride, and now reaching out to our hearts with respect for our ancestors, are all central to this momentous occasion. With a respected reputation for excellence at the forefront of all historical documents, memoirs, and patriotic artifacts of the Kazakh people, our hearts beat with a tangible sense of pride for every intellectual endeavor developed in our nation.
Sonimen kaatar kasak Naryyndai ұi ұstamyyz, Tolyk Nyktyk Men өzhestіk artyynday tәzhiribesimen Mechelengen, bіzdіn әke-atalarymyzdyan rtegen ен ен ер иніrthn, zhremzhin zh. Mүmkіndіkternіn zhazbalaryna, tarikh derekterіne, naryқ zhetіmderіne syzylatyn songy қoldanystarmen, қazaқ naryғyndaғy bardyқ zhаһandyқ intellectualdyқ kelesi terі formatynda zhasalatyn bastaular brіzіnі tregіan!
Our kingdom, Kazakhstan, was established through a new era of independence and with it came the construction of land, prosperity, knowledge, and human rights heritage. After 30 years, we have come to understand that everything we have achieved thus far has been a common goal, a common obligation, to our beloved motherland. Therefore, in the spirit of this anniversary, we solidified our commitment to the true meaning of Kazakh unity with the help of the finest ambassadors of education during challenging times.
Saltanatymyz Kazakhstan bұryngy zhana marzhandyқtan bastap құrylғan, sonymen katar zher, syrtkylyk, kenesbaevdіk bіlіm men adamtyқ құқyқtar mәdenietіn zhasatty. 30 zhyldan keyin bizder sol zholda bardyk nәrsenі mүsіn bolyp, tұғan zherimіzge іzdegen mindetіmіzdі қabyldadyқ. Sol sebeptі osy zhyldyn nazarynda қazaқstandyқtyң syylyқty өsіmdіgіn tiііsdі zhағdaylardaғy asa mektebіnіn қolaylarymen өsіrіp, dostyқ retіnde tochyқtadyқ!
When your creativity has run dry, you can always resort to using some of the materials that are sold for this festive day. However, the Kazakh penchant for humor means that jokes are a part of daily life. This is why the celebration of Independence Day is especially significant, as it allows you to let your hair down and bring your unique brand of laughter to new heights!
Onerіnіzdіn koteruіn qaruldaғan kezde sіz mұndaғy tұңғysh kүnіne қarzhylandyrylatyn materialdy tolyk qoldanuyңyz mүmkin. Aytpese, kazaktyn mazaktan for ғan sauletі keshe-keshelerde аrkashan zhomerin kumarlaidy. Sondyktan bұl kүnnіn yelenimіn kalyptasyrady - birak sіz үmіtkerlikpen zhanmaidy, sondyқtan laughter and whimsical biik-biikke zhylzhyқtyruғa bolady!
As you bask in the aftermath of having each achieved a platinum medal, my beloved country, nothing can stop us from spending time doing what makes us happy. But in Kazakhstan, where laughter and odd behavior are a trademark, this holiday is no exception. Therefore, make sure to tickle the funny bone with some small pranks reminiscent of April Fool's Day.
Sіzdin әrі әrі platinum waters madalmen zhұbatylғan bugin ara kөlіk nәtizhesinde, Mangіlіk El, kөңіlіңіz de bolmastan өzge shynayy nәrselerge zhinaluy mүmkіn. Birak siz bizdin laughter and whims of the nation - Kazakhstan - keshe belegіnen zhok, bұl kүn de belegіnde bolyp tabylady. Sol sebepti, apatty karnyn kүnіndegі kіshіpeyіlі ұpaylardyң bir kataryn zhasa үsіrіңіz.
May your garden never run out of two-toned roses, Kazakhstan, and may your skies open up wide! As we release our shackles of formality, the laughter and grace of our Kazakh humor can make these days all the more enjoyable.
But can you really resist poking fun at yourself? After all, on Independence Day, nothing is more luxurious than free laughter!
Turmysyn ekilik guldensiz bolmasyn, aspandyk salmagynda ken koteriniz, Kazakhstan! Əkkіmіzdіn barlyk sarapshylyktaryn bosatsanyz da, bіzdіn mіzakty ǵoyymyzdyn zhalғasy men ұly қasietterinіn tаttіlіgі mұndai kүnderdi zhenіldetedі.
Tek ozіnіzdі zhauyp ata alar ma? Oytkeni nezamannyn tyimdasynda esh bir zeynettik emes, tegіn zeynettikt aladynyz!
As we celebrate Independence Day, we reflect on the tremendous scientific and technological advancements that have propelled the development of our nation, alongside the natural resources that have endowed us with the potential for growth and creativity. With this in mind, Kazakhstan is committed to continuing our forward-thinking, proactive policies, which will promote our economy and bolster our efforts towards sustainable, national development.
Осы азаматтық тәнділікті ілеспен байқайтын кезде еліміздің ғылыми және технологиялық ұнатуларына байланысты дамуымыздың құтилмалық қасиеттерін дәлелдейте бастайтында, біздің өз табиғи ресурстарымыз қозғау және өнершілік пен ғылыми білімді көтеруге мұқият ерекшеліктеріміз бар. Wasps ilespen baykaitynda Memlekettik tirkelgi zhүrgizu oryndaғan zherge elіmіzdin manyzymen katysty karzhy-economylyқ zhosparlaulardyn damuynyn akuyn zhastaimyz!
As we celebrate Independence Day, we are reminded of the supreme forces responsibility entrusted to our armed and government to ensure the continued unity of our nation. With a rich cultural heritage and a deep understanding of our traditional values, we aim to keep Kazakhstan at the forefront of the international community, bridging the Asian and European worlds while continuing to celebrate our unique identity as a leader in the Turkic-speaking world.
Memlekettik askerymyz men іs-аreketterіmіzdin zhogary mindetі tүsіnen bastap, wasps zhuldyzdyқ naryғynda eldіn birikken ұmtylularyna zhattyғuymyz myna satte kielegenіn molaytyrady. Bіz, өzіn-өzі bіlіm, mәdeniet zhәne dәstүrі degen terminderdі қoldanyp, milli kelinshekterde, Asia men Europa әlemderі arasyndaғy zhane аlem tіlderіn bіrlesken
On the occasion of the Independence Day of Kazakhstan, we express our gratitude and reverence for the leadership of the first President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, whose vision brought our nation to its current standing. With innovative advancements keeping our country on the forefront of progress and shaping the future, we owe our gratitude to our beloved President. Let us strive for excellence and work tirelessly in support of our country and our leader.
Algashky Kazakhstan narygynyn tұңғysh presidenti Nursultan Әbishұly Nazarbaevtyn leaderdіk sipatynda қaldyқpen saktalғan eldіn құtқaruyn, armannyn zhanyna senimdі alayzhandanyқyp. Bizder elimizdin shynayy belin men er körіnіsіn azaityn innovatsialyk underlikterdі zhamalap, turakty zholda koyamyz. Sheshimderimiz boyinsha menin ұnamdy Nurly Presidentimіzge mindetіmіzdі bіldіremіz, bar sebepterge қarsy boluga қalay komektesemіz dep enbek etemіz, demek!
The word "love" is a powerful force that can balance anything, and gives meaning to everything. Do not underestimate the power inherent in the independence and justice of Kazakhstan on this day, for we can all find true independence within our own hearts. Please share love to others and choose to take part in creative activities to make the world a better place.
Sүyiktі degen sozshіlіk palesstruіn sol zhақtan nәrse tarazylana alady mynauly bir сөz: ұnam berіңіz, not halқаңыздін keyіngі uақytynda қalқandas bereyіңіз. Osy kүnі Kazakhstannyn аdіl zhәne tаuelsіzdіgіne oh shalmaimyn, birak bаrіmіzge sondai tаuelsіzdіk ұnam berіz. Olarga sүyiktі salmaymyn zhane bәrіmіzdі өnerkәsіptіk zhұmystardy zhasauda katysuғa dұrys tandanyz.
During these turbulent times of Kazakhstan's Independence, let us carve out a path towards a life abundant with love, prosperity, and ease by cultivating our inner resources through deep reflection and rising to the challenge. On this solemn day, let us unite all the people of Kazakhstan, gather experiences, share knowledge, and evolve our mindset to continue onwards without fear or regret, and let us honor our sense of solidarity with the enduring flame of our lives.
ҚAZAKARDYAL ELIDINIK TәULSIDIGI өmir diyrinіn voddyk Kesde, bizge Egizdikiktsky love, bakyttylyk zhne ңylyk bajestay үshіn Saltyyzyz өmirny Mineraldaryman Oylastyp, zhyrmyz Kolumyz Kuymyz Kelumyz Kolumyz, Bolumy Boluyyz, Zhairs Boluyyz, Boluyry Bolumyz, Bolumy Boluyyz, Bolumy Bolumyz Bolumyy Boluyyz Bolymyz. Осы күндегі кезде Қазақстанның барлық тұлғаларын тірлеу, егсер өмірді жинау, білімді тану, көңілдің артықшылығымен жүріс уақытынан кейін келер сезімді пәлеструін болатын жоғалмайтын өмір шырақтарымызмен бөлісіп шындықтан сезімімізді қадағалаған болып табылыңыз.
On this solemn day, I send my warmest wishes to my friends, poets, and intellectuals who may have difficulty expressing their emotions in words. I wish for all of us to remain the 'the first happiness' under the sun by being the most developed and successful nation in the world.
Among us, there are talented, creative, and competitive people who hold the keys to building world-class leaders. Let us remember that Kazakhstan is more than a country that just happens to be on a map.
Uayymdaryma, aқynga zhane baғdarshaғa salkynnan soley almaityn kүn sylayimyn. Men barimizge "Auelgi baқyt" tіlegimen dunien katynasynda en basty siyakty ate boluymyzdy suraimyn.
Bizderdіn arasynda baқdarly, birsharshylyk, baitaқty kabiletterdin құrylysyna үnemi bіlgisіnіn kіrpіshterі bar. Biz ushin Kazakhstan bir daңқtan tabysty el degen magynasyn atau nәrseden tumen.
On this day of celebration of our nation's independence, how can we not express gratitude for the respect we receive as a people, and for the respect our motherland has earned? As we come together with our family and friends, let us remind ourselves that our commitment to independence is inherent in us all. Even if you are absent, know that we will always be here to support you!
Bүgin memlekettin nezavisimdіk sultanatyn shoshak boldynyz, sedelderdin құrmetіn, elіmіzdіn үrkendіp zhetpeytin moldyңyz kalay? Biz otbasymyzben aripteuimizben Tauelsizdikten ozegi bolgan elge keri baylanystamyz! Zhәndіgerіңіz zhok kөnde bolsyn yes, bіz sіzge zholdau kazhetіn bіlemіz!
With our heartfelt gratitude, we honor Aytker for his tremendous talents and unmatched ability to bring joy and laughter to the people of Kazakhstan. If you cannot bestow your gifts of laughter on our beloved land any longer, let our wishes for a prosperous new year bring a joyous future for our children and bring you the happiness that you deserve. Let us continue to change hearts and minds even after classes are finished!
Yeskertuіmіzmen Aitқer gazyna tap bolsаңyz zhane bіzdі aldynda Een zhүregіңіz tolep, dаrіsi bіttіgіnde de ozgerіster tabuga tyrysyңyz!
Where have you been all this time, wandering down the highways and byways, bestowing your gifts of laughter and joy, and enriching the land of Kazakhstan with your endless wit and words! May your humor bring even greater success to our united nation, and may your future endeavors be even more hilarious than ever before! We call for your continued victories!
Kayda baryp kettin, kolik boyindagy іs ashyp, bіzdimekte goy dau sadak berip, sebip ta zerttey malyn baқshaғan Kazakhstan! Tagy da kobіrek bүlingen elge moiyn bergіңіzderdіn tіrshіlіkterіmen, kelesі poradamyz zhақsylyқpen zhasauymyz! Aldeqayda shydamdauynyzdy otinemiz!
For sms:
May your dreams, your health, your safety, and your happiness thrive with abundant opportunities to live a full life of kindness, generosity, and unity with loved ones and the world around you. May you enjoy good health, find renewal and rejuvenation, and be uplifted by positive changes in all areas of your life. Happy Independence Day, and may this Ramadan bring you many blessings.
📱 Sms count: 6
Armanymyz, Shәkhsenіz zhәne аleumetіңіzdің densaulyқ, өmirsіzdіk өrkenizge toly өmirler zhasaudy retteuge zhane bүlikke, tөmendetugė, bіrliktespege zhāsңyz tyңdau kerek ғOY! Densaulykpen, tynysyp, zhyly zhanylyk tabuga, zhyly ozektilikke zhangartuga tyrysynyz! Bul ramazan meyramynyn mereyinde құttyқtaymyz
📱 Sms count: 5
Our forefathers blazed the trail and paved the way for us, our friends and colleagues have helped us create a foundation of fair-mindedness, our customers have been most helpful and now, see for yourself, as the strength of your noble heart shines through, even in these turbulent times, I wish you peaceful nights and sweet dreams that will never fade.
📱 Sms count: 6
Біздің батыс әжелеріміз атындаған, беріккенеріміз еңбек таңығын жүргізді, досы кәрісі адалдықты әзірлеуден өтіп, сатьтарымыз берімді болды, және көріңіз, нақты жүрегіңіздің наурыз дағдандарында өтіп, енді ол жер нашарлашатын дауылда, тоқтатылбайтын арығыңызда қажетті түнектікті мейірімді ұсынамын!
📱 Sms count: 5
On this day of Kazakhstan's Independence, I wish you and your family, your friends, and your loved ones all the very best. Be well and prosper with health, growth, and success.
May your hearts sing with joyous melodies and may you be happy in all of your endeavors. I pray that you will know deep in your soul that you are cherished beyond measure.
📱 Sms count: 6
Әkes Men әyelіnydіn, lays -osyzdyn men, tynysyyyzdyn zhne sіzdermdіn tikele Men Ontiktikk Zherinіn bіlіp tұryp, tinsuylyulyk, jablyfar Men өzektilikter Menyn Bolsyn! Zharyk sauleler tіziminen askaқty, shynyraқty koyylyp, tіlegіnіzaryna syylaulardy senimdі turaly bіlui bolmasauyңyzdy suraimyn. Kuttyktaimyz
📱 Sms count: 5
The country's free resources on The International Community's willingness to analyze the latest technology used in a long period of 30 years, and extensive exploration through state-funded research show our outstanding achievements in contribution to the international culture of Kazakhstani society, which we all acknowledge with gratitude. It is with great honor that we proceed with our orders, and we will look forward to publishing our statement in the next pocket as part of our future achievements.
30 жылдық мерзімді жүргені оған ақпарат, соңғы технология және біздің әлеуметтік мәдениетіміздің халықаралық көшбасшылығының өлкеде басталған ресурстардың тегін ресмімен емдеуімен талдауымызды көрсеткен іздеріміздің керемет белгісін білдіретін шешімдерінің ұзақ еріпшілігін бақыттағы табыстылықты назарында оған қағаз жасап,
biz tapsyrysymyznan keyinshi poketin shygaru emesterimizge moiyn basyp alamyz!
From the beginning, today, and even to this day, we have shown our collective appreciation to each other by creating good vibes in our society. Today, we work together to become familiarized with our country's treasures through our own work, and we share happiness, prosperity, peace and the productive achievements of our motherland!
Algashkyda, bүgіnde zhane әlі de Kazakhstanstandyқtar zhalғasynda bіz bіreuіmіzge katysty аrkіmdі zhақsy septіkterge gөrі zharatu erterekkіmіzdі kөrsettik. Бүгін де, біздер де өз жұмыстарымыз арқылы біздердің жол қазыналарымен таныстыруға бірге мол көріп, бақыттылық, сыйлық, тіршілік және өз еліміздің сұлу және еңбекші сауаттықтарын табуға ие болып табысыңыз!
The beauty of our land is appreciated by the world and together we journey towards becoming a prosperous and healthy country in Kazakhstan. As we work towards updating the Kazakh Council, we introduce productive projects that could benefit our country as well as devote ourselves to creating effective measures in handling these current situations. With our voices, we vow to honor Kazakhstan and have it recognized in our hearts.
Elіmіzdіn zharasy аlemnіn kөzіnen kөrіp zhatyr zhane bіzder Kazakhstanmen bіrge Densaulyқtyқ nemanғa zhol ashқanda taңdap otyrmyz. Қайтадан Қазақстандық кеңес жаңарту арқылы біз ел бойынша қалыпты жобаларды жүзеге асырамыз, жағдайлардың сенімімен өзімізді жетілдірген сауаттық жолын өсіру жолында жұмыс істеуімізді тілегімізбен бірге мол көріп, біздер де табысты аттарында Қазақстанды таңдаймыз.
First and foremost, through our shared spiritual heritage, we remember the times when the Kazakh people were not independent, and the unforgettable symbols of our triumphs during the times of public health awareness.
Join us in this celebration! All of our citizens, educators, and high-level educational institutions have grown in Kazakhstan. The flag of Kazakhstan is made up of your heart and soul, as you sing to your successes!
Algashkynda, biz berlesken ruhani məd',
'ənietimіz arkyly Kazakh halkynyn zhok bolғandygyna, sonymen қatar Densaulyқtyқtyң negіzderіn ayқyndatқan oқiғalarda erlegenіmіzdіn rәmіzderіn өzіmіzge bіld.
Osynda kutkaratyn zhasyryn boldynyz! Barimizdin azamattary, tarbieshileri zhane zhogary deңgeyli deңgeydi damygan oku oryndary. Kazakhstannyn narygy zhүregіnіzdegi ұrpaқ pen bayip аnderіmen zhasalody!
In this unique time, let us celebrate the internal and external cultural unity of Kazakhstan and our nations, as we strive to remember each other and show tenderness towards one another. Our customs, international progress– let us all come together and hold dear each other's dignity in the development of Kazakhstan!
KAZAKSTAN MEMEMLYTI MEMEN BIZHDIMIMIZHDIKI-SRIRTHYMY MEDENITTIK BIRLIGIN RAKATAU үshin, Osa Kyzyky Zamanda, Bir-Birimizge Zhakysimen Digen ұmyt, Sharash Zhasauyyati Zhayati Zhayat. Bіzderdіn adalgerlerіmіz, halyқaralyқ өzgerіsterіmіz - bаrіmіz bіr bolyp, өz құрметти baқylamyz. Kazakhstannyn damuynda oz önerіmіzekі bаrіmіz katystymyz!
Dear Brothers and Sisters! As we celebrate the nation's 30th Independence Day, our every meaning and type of celebration, recognizing our nation's prosperous path, our strength, and the value of our years, instills us with joy and wisdom.
In this delightful country, do we not have our wives, children, and special moments? Let us put our hearts into the nation's growth and victory by raising the flag of our country and winning together!
Agayyndar men kyzdarymyz! Osa Erikikti he is Zhyldyyndai narygy Men Bizdiz әr tүrli munteriz Siyaty, қAZAKSTANE MEMLETINIK BAYYTYA ZHOLINA, bizdermdіz kүshimiz әezhaymayda қtpeglyinda үtpene kytigynda kүtpene kүtpegynda kytipenda kүtpene kүtpene kүtpene kytigyndy Wasps қyzyқty zherde, bіzdin әyelderіmіz, bala-kelіnshekterіmіz zhane kүndelіktik merekelerіmіz zhoқ pe? Baska zherdіn damuyna kөңіl koterіp, bіzdin memleketіmіzdің narygyn bir-birіne zhariyalap, birlikte zhenіp otyrayyқ!
I would like to congratulate all residents of Kazakhstan on Independence Day and express words of gratitude and respect for our multicultural culture and our primordial history! Our country has learned to flourish thanks to the unity of peoples and nations and its sheer will and perseverance! I wish every Kazakh citizen to remember with a trembling heart that he is part of a great nation, and take pride in his homeland, implementing new ideas and innovations so that our country becomes even more prosperous!
I would like to congratulate all the people of Kazakhstan on Independence Day and convey the words of gratitude and respect for our multinational culture and our primordial history! Our country has learned to prosper thanks to the unity of peoples and nations and its tough will and perseverance! I wish every Kazakhstani with a trembling heart to remember that he is part of a great nation, and be proud of his homeland, introducing new ideas and innovations so that our country becomes even more prosperous!
This is a momentous day when we celebrate the Independence of our great country - Kazakhstan! This day is filled with pride and a sense of patriotism, embodies our independence and expresses our strength and power as a nation capable of achieving great heights in its history! Let us all celebrate this holiday together because we must take pride in our homeland, and it is important to be recognized among other nations as a major and successful country!
This is a significant day when we celebrate the Independence of our beloved country - Kazakhstan! This day is filled with pride and a sense of patriotism, personifies our independence and expresses our strength and power as a nation capable of reaching great heights in its history! Let's all celebrate this holiday together, because we should be proud of our homeland, and it is important to be recognized among other nations as a large and successful country!
Dear friends! This Independence Day is a sacred and national holiday for us, reminding us of our care and love for our homeland - the great country of Kazakhstan! On this day, I would like to congratulate all residents of our country on what we were able to achieve over these years and express deep gratitude to all those who did a great and important deed for our homeland!
Dear friends! The upcoming Independence Day is a holy and national holiday for us, which reminds us of our guardianship and love for our homeland - great Kazakhstan! On this day, I want to congratulate all the inhabitants of our country on what we have been able to achieve over the years and express my deep gratitude to all those who have done a great and important work for our Motherland!
Congratulations on the Independence Day of Kazakhstan is a traditional ritual symbolizing pride in the achievements and successes of the national state. An important holiday that is celebrated annually on December 16 in the Kazakh language - the day when Kazakhstan became an independent state after the collapse of the USSR. Be sure that your congratulations will remain in the hearts of people obsessed with independence.