Today we celebrate together one of the brightest holidays, Knowledge Day! This is a magical time, which means the beginning of new achievements and achievements, the beginning of new acquaintances and friendship with new classmates, the beginning of hard and constant work to achieve success in learning.
I want to congratulate our director, who becomes not only a kind of support for his students, but also for all parents. Today, he wishes all schoolchildren to strengthen their knowledge and abilities, learn and develop, find new and new ways to solve problems and take part in various events and competitions.
The director of our school is a person who is always ready to help, support and advise, which fully corresponds to his high status and exceptional qualities.
Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, Director, we wish you prosperity and well-being in your noble work!
We often meet unique moments in our lives, but tonight, filled with excitement and joy, is considered one of the most significant for all students! The director of our school is a person who knows how to show care and tenderness to his pupils, sincere and truthful, talented and unique, is a kind of bridge between the past and the future.
Today we heartily congratulate our Director and express our deep gratitude for his invaluable work and excellent results in his work, for what he does for his students - something more than just education.
It creates a unique atmosphere where every student feels needed and unique, where every junior and senior class leaves its mark on our school. Happy Knowledge Day, Director!
Let this unforgettable meeting, marked on the first day of autumn, be the beginning of the daily acquisition of new knowledge and skills for all schoolchildren!
The director of our school today is becoming the main and brightest center of attraction, which is able to inspire each student for courage and courage, for interest and accomplishments, for dedication and perseverance in achieving their educational goals and aspirations.
And he is also the custodian of the wisdom of teaching experience and skill for many decades, a mentor for young teachers and even for the entire staff of our school.
Therefore, I am glad to congratulate our Director on the Day of Knowledge!
The beautiful speech of the director of our school on Knowledge Day is a sincere gift that he gives to all students, parents, colleagues and friends. She touched our hearts and made us awaken amazing feelings - joy, confidence, inspiration.
Today's director's speech is a charge of positive emotions that will accompany us throughout the year. He talked about our spiritual and intellectual strength, about our talents and capabilities, about the fact that we can learn everything, that we have the potential to achieve great goals.
The whole hall eagerly listened to every word of the director, remaining impressed by his erudition and enthusiasm. We congratulate our director on the Day of Knowledge and wish him to always remain with the same sincere and beautiful riverman in our school!
The beautiful speech of the headmaster on Knowledge Day is not only words, but also oratory, the ability to inspire others and make even the most gray everyday life beautiful.
Today, the words of our director sounded quietly, but the sparks from his eyes reached every student, every parent, every teacher. He talked about the fact that teaching is light, that education makes it possible to realize oneself, that we can leave a mark on the history of our country if we study and work hard.
The beautiful speech of the director of our school on Knowledge Day reminded us that teaching is the most noble occupation that is invested in the future of youth.
We congratulate our director on the Day of Knowledge and wish him creative success and new achievements in education.
A beautiful speech by the school principal on Knowledge Day is an unforgettable moment that is remembered for a long time. It revives our faith in better opportunities, inspires us to reach new heights, gives us confidence in our success.
Only thanks to such speeches can we truly feel like participants in something grandiose and important. Today's speech of the director of our school is inspired by the desire to convey to each student not only knowledge, but also values that will help them in life.
He spoke about love for the motherland, about civic responsibility, about the fact that any person can become a real hero, especially in his field. On this Day of Knowledge, we thank our director for his beautiful speech and wish him success in educating young people.
In your own words:
Dear children, dear parents! Today the sun is shining on us, and our hearts are filled with joy and excitement, because we are starting a new school year!
I cannot fail to note that the past year was very difficult for all of us, but we all managed to show strength of mind and become a real team that withstood all the tests.
And today I can say with all confidence that a real team of strong, fearless and wonderful people has grown up who are ready for new achievements and victories!
I cannot fail to note that for everyone a new and interesting stage in our school life begins, and we must prepare for new tests, questions and tasks. But I'm sure we can handle them together!
May success, joy and harmony accompany you at the new stage in your life!
Friends! Undoubtedly, Knowledge Day is one of the most joyful and beautiful celebrations in the life of every young person. This is a day of new opportunity, a day of whole hopes and expectations!
Today I want to express all my most sincere wishes to our esteemed students and their parents. I want every student to be healthy, happy, smart and erudite!
As for parents, I want to wish you strength and patience so that you can overcome any difficulties and obstacles. In addition, I would like to emphasize that our school and its entire staff is even more than just a school, it is a family.
We are always ready to help and listen to you, and we will try our best to make you feel at home here!
Dear students, dear parents! Finally, the long-awaited Knowledge Day, September 1! This is a very important day for our school, because today we meet again to start a new stage in our lives and studies.
I am glad to welcome all our students who already want to start their studies and realize their learning goals. And I am very glad to our parents, because they chose our school to educate their children.
I want our communication to be truly productive and useful, so that each student feels confident in his abilities and finds himself in this large friendly team of ours.
In prose:
Dear friends and respected parents! Today, our school is at its best on such a significant day as Knowledge Day. We would like to wish all our students success in learning, interesting and informative lessons, youth activity and creative achievements.
But especially I want to congratulate our head - the director of our school. He is the soul and heart of our educational institution, a person with invaluable experience and great talent, a leader who finds an approach to every student and teacher.
I wish our director health, creative success and new victories in his difficult but noble work. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, dear Director! You will forever remain for us a wonderful example of work and love for our school.
Dear guests and dear staff of our school! Today is a day that will always remain in the memory of our children, because it is the Day of Knowledge. It is precious and important to each of us.
We want to share something special with you and leave our mark on the history of our school. On behalf of our team, I want to especially congratulate our new teachers and educators who joined our friendly team on this day.
Today you are part of our large, friendly and friendly family. We wish you enthusiasm in your work, patience in dealing with our students, creative success and professional growth.
Dear friends, parents and respected teachers! Today we meet at this significant event, which has already become traditional and sincere for each of us - the Day of Knowledge.
This holiday unites everyone: from first graders, full of shyness and excitement, to eleventh graders, ready to take on the challenge and conquer the heights of knowledge.
On behalf of the staff of our school, I congratulate all our students on the Day of Knowledge and wish them ease and good luck in learning, interesting and informative activities, health promotion and creativity development.
Good afternoon, our little and not so little schoolchildren! Today we want to meet you with cries of joy and smiles on your faces. We have prepared for you not only knowledge, but also a lot of jokes and jokes so that you can take part in learning with ease and opportunities to relax in the process.
So get ready for our adventures and fun! Learning is fun and interesting, and with us, we guarantee it will not be an exception. Let's have fun and achieve knowledge in the most fun atmosphere.
Hello, friends! Today we have gathered here to celebrate Knowledge Day. For us - teachers and graduates - this is a great occasion to welcome newcomers and congratulate everyone on the start of a new academic year.
But so that this day does not seem boring and formal, we have prepared some humor and mystical adventures. There are secrets and mysteries, jokes and jokes waiting for you, and, of course, a lot of interesting activities to keep your mind busy and your heart full of delight.
Dear Guys! Today is Knowledge Day. This is a wonderful holiday that is never boring and serious. We want this holiday to leave a lot of bright and funny moments in your memory.
Your task is not to be shy, have fun and enjoy learning. And remember: the best way to learn something new is to have fun and enjoy it! Let's saturate ourselves with knowledge, laughter and joy on this day.
Dear parents and dear children! Today is the start of a new school year, and I'm happy to inform you that our school continues to provide free education for everyone.
Thanks to state support and voluntary contributions from our partners, we provide opportunities for high-quality education at our school. We hope this will help many families save money on tuition and make education accessible to all.
Let's make this year of study as productive as possible and ensure the future of our country with the smartest and most capable people.
Dear friends! Today was the opening of the new academic year. I am pleased to announce that our school continues to provide free education for everyone. We believe that education should be accessible to everyone, not just those who can afford it.
Thanks to our teachers and volunteers who work around the clock, we provide a high quality educational process at no additional cost. Let's build a future based on knowledge and education together.
Dear parents and dear students! Today we have gathered here to celebrate Knowledge Day. This is another year when our school opens its doors to many children who want to get an education.
I am pleased to inform you that our school provides free education for everyone who wants to get a quality education. We believe that access to education should be equal for everyone, regardless of social status or financial situation.
May this year be a new step for you in gaining knowledge and developing your personality.
Today is the day we prepare to begin the path to knowledge and potential to achieve more in the future!
Our school is a spiritual center where children from different places and cultures come together to learn and grow.
I wish this academic year to be filled with moments of joy and admiration that will open new horizons for you!
Today we are preparing to start the school year, and I believe that each of you will be able to overcome all the difficulties that will appear on the path to success.
Dear parents, may your love and support help your children achieve educational and life success!
I want to wish the students of our school a lot of joy from learning, spiritual growth and a source of inspiration.
Teachers are the most important people in our lives as they help us open doors to a world of new knowledge!
The school year has begun, and together we set off on a journey to new knowledge and discoveries! May this year be special for us!
You are our future and I am sure you will excel in your studies and life! Happy Knowledge Day, dear students!
School is a place where children grow into adults and find their place in life. May this year be special for all of you!
Today is the Day of Knowledge, which calls us to new beginnings and a look at life from the other side!
School is the place where we learn and grow. This academic year, we will build our path to success together!
Today is Knowledge Day, which reminds us how important it is to learn and strive for the best every day!
Today is one of the most important days in the life of our students. I want this academic year to be full of positive emotions, interesting tasks and accomplishments!
School is the place where we meet and learn from each other. May this academic year bring you many friendships and admiration!
Your academic life now starts here and I am sure you will become wonderful students and people!
Today is Knowledge Day, and I want to greet all the students of our school! A bright and interesting academic year awaits you!
School is not only lessons and discipline, but also an opportunity to become better. I believe that each of you will achieve your goals and dreams!
Dear students, the new school year has begun! Let it be filled with interesting lessons, new knowledge and bright moments!
Happy Knowledge Day, dear students! Today is an important day, so listen carefully to our director's speech and get ready for the school year!
Dear students! Today is very important for us, because we are returning to school to immerse ourselves in the world of knowledge. This year I want to wish all of us less fear and more curiosity, more self-confidence and more courage to move forward.
One year adds a lot of knowledge and hobbies to us, we will learn and progress together.
Dear parents, dear students! Today we open a new academic year. I want to wish all the students of our school a brilliant and spiritually rich years, and you, parents, peace and confidence that we carefully and responsibly lead our students on the path of knowledge.
Dear students! Today you have come to school to receive knowledge that will accompany you all your life. I wish you all success in this endeavor, sincere curiosity, a steady interest in the world around you and always remain active participants in the educational process.
Dear parents and dear students! Today we have gathered again to start a new school year. I want to wish you all clear thoughts, creative energy and self-confidence.
Education is the key to success in life, and I am confident that all of you, dear students, will be able to achieve tremendous success in the future.
Dear friends! Today is the first day of school and I would like to greet all the students of our school. I wish you many interesting and informative lessons, new friends and success in your studies.
May this year be for you, dear students, a year of unique opportunities and unforgettable moments.
With humor:
Dear students! Today is the beginning of the school year, which is never too late to celebrate with humor. We all know that questions of knowledge are important, but we should not forget about an important question for every student - where will we have lunch?
This is important as nutrition is the fuel for our body and brain and I would not want our students to go hungry during the lessons. We will do our best to provide you with healthy meals and drinks so that you can concentrate on the lessons and achieve the best results in your studies.
So don't forget to check the dining room menu to eat right and saturate yourself with knowledge!
Dear parents and dear students! As you know, school is a place where we learn and gain knowledge for the future. But I know that all of you know very well that school is not only drawing and mathematics, but also an opportunity to interact with your classmates and teachers.
Well, if we talk about the most important, then this is not knowledge, but the ability to get up in the morning and be full to leave the house for lessons in extreme conditions with a little will to go to lessons instead of the rest who walk, etc.
We wish all our students to remain as strong and disciplined as you!
Dear friends! Today is a special day on which we have gathered to start a new school year. I know that many of you, dear students, are a little worried - after all, lessons and homework are not always the most interesting things in the world.
But I can promise you one thing - our school is a place where miracles happen! We'll have lessons you'll love, teachers who can spark your curiosity, and friends who will become a real team with you!
Well, I tell teachers - do not forget about the reserve of patience, you will really need it!
Our dear children, September 1 is a wonderful day that is given to us every year as a reward for our work and our success. We have put together our work as teachers, parents and students at the school to create the best learning environment so you can develop all year round.
We are ready to take on any challenge that may arise, as we know that you are our main stars. Today I want to express my most sincere gratitude to each of you for your work, perseverance and perseverance, for your desire to learn, be better and achieve your goals.
May God bless you all the best in this new school year, be strong and strive for success and we will always be there for you to support and help.
Dear parents and dear students of our school, today I want to wish each of you a lot of the best impressions and success in this new academic year. School is a place where we learn something new, where we master the world of knowledge and form our character.
Our entire school family will strive to create the best learning conditions for you and I am sure that our knowledge and your perseverance will only lead to positive results!
You are the most valuable thing we have at school, and we will always be glad to see you in our family.
My dear students, today on this beautiful day, I want to tell you that you are the most wonderful team of people that I have ever had the honor to lead.
You are all so smart, cheerful and talented. You are united together not only by common knowledge and a common goal, but also by the spirit of friendship and support for each other.
I am proud of each of you and glad that you are part of our school family. I wish you success in your studies and personal life, as well as many endless possibilities in the future.
You mean a lot to me and every teacher in our school.
Dear students, today we are celebrating the beginning of a new school year! I know that many of you have suffered, waiting for what our school will be able to please them this school year.
But I can draw the attention of each of our students to the most important element of learning: it is, of course, the teacher! Smiling, funny, smart and unforgettable.
This is exactly what a mentor should be and someone who will help you embark on the path of knowledge and professional growth! Therefore, my dear students, if nothing interesting happened to you today, do not worry, this is just the beginning.
Get ready for a lot of fun and smart puzzles and fun adventures! Let this academic year pass for each of you easily, successfully and not to be forgotten!
Our dear students, on this Day of Knowledge we have a wonderful opportunity to congratulate you on the start of the new school year and talk a little about the bed that awaits you every day.
There's a short time ahead of math, history, geography, and a bit of fun website layout settings: anything that can bring us joy and fun. Well, dear students, would you like to share who prepared for school?
Some of you may have been working on mobile phone apps, some of you may have been very active on the beach...we didn't do anything smart either! So let's meet the new school year with a smile and a good mood!
Dear children and dear colleagues at work, today is the time of the year when we can safely say that the summer is over, and a wonderful new school year begins!
I believe that each of us has some great summer memories, but now is the time to get back to school and think about our future. I know that many of you already carry a huge backpack with you, so get ready for big and not-so-witty jokes!
Let's start this year with a smile and a good mood! Good luck to you all!
Today's moment of waiting is over and we are celebrating the new school year! I would like to welcome all newly enrolled children, and also to remind the older children that this is the time of the most cheerful thoughts and dreams that can be realized with the help of our talented and qualified teachers.
Therefore, I urge those who are just starting their educational journey to rebuild their view of the world and start looking at adulthood and the rules for training and educating their teachers, which will help such young and subtle minds grow and develop every day.
At the same time, I would like to wish everyone originality and, of course, unusualness. So that this new academic year is full of various trips and exits, victories and creativity, new knowledge and experience.
It's time to start a new chapter in your life, dear friends!
Today I would like to congratulate and thank all those who gathered at our school with us. Our school is a place where people strive to grow, learn and develop as individuals, where any problems, questions or difficulties get the opportunity to be resolved easily and painlessly.
And today the moment has come when we can take a break from rest and start anew. Let's make this academic year significant, interesting, original! It's time to build new friendships, learn new things and grow up surrounded by people who are truly close and dear to us.
Therefore, dear friends, make the school heavenly and make sure that every day will be easy and inaccessible for you.
Welcome, dear friends, to our long-awaited Knowledge Day! Today we are gathering to celebrate the start of a new school year and visit a fantasy world where you can forget about everything related to the last school year.
Today, everyone from students to teachers will become incredible cheerful characters to mark the beginning of the new school year. Therefore, our dear ones, I would like to wish you not just good luck, but moments of enjoyment from exploring the world, communicating with friends, deepening your knowledge and cruising for joy.
Today I want to congratulate all our students and parents on the start of the new school year. We believe that school is a place where, under the supervision of our loved ones and protectors - teachers - our children can grow and develop, become more self-confident, gain knowledge that will help them in the future.
I am confident that we will be able to create an environment that will contribute to the development of all our students, regardless of social, cultural and personal differences.
Let's work together to make our school such that each of our students feels safe and in a big family, where we can work together to achieve our goals and objectives.
Best wishes for the new academic year!
Today is filled with joy and excitement. Dear students, I am writing to congratulate you on the start of the new school year. I want to wish you that this year will be filled not only with knowledge and achievements, but also with the warmth of relations in the class and between you.
Remember that we are all spiritually connected, and every classmate you have is your brother or sister. Therefore, dear guys, I hope that you will cooperate, help each other and not stop there, learn and have time for creativity.
Let's create an atmosphere of complete love and kindness, which will be the basis for the successful work of all classes.
Dear friends! Today, on behalf of the entire school team, I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! This is an important and special day that reminds us of our responsibility as teachers and educators to educate our students and help them grow and develop.
I want each of you to feel your value and purpose in this world. Each of you is immeasurably important to this society and will have your own unique contribution to the development of society.
Let's go through this school year together with love, care and respect for each other, so that every day is filled with bright emotions, laughter and joy.
Beloved students! Today is our first day of school. And I must say that I am very happy to see you all here today. But I also have to warn all parents: if at the end of this school year any student says that a group of his students entered the Chess Olympiad, and that this was entirely his merit, then I will have to tell my parents that he is lying.
Because we don't have chess problems at school. Although, if someone could put me in a few moves in chess, then I would gladly personally avenge him for the king's light, under which I was imprisoned at the end of the game.
In general, friends, have a nice school year, and don't forget that we have coffee in the cafeteria so you can wake up at the first lesson.
Dear children and dear parents! Finally, this holiday has come, when school time begins again. I still find this moment somewhat amusing, though: millions of 11th graders across the country are donning their school uniforms and heading to class, ready to wrestle with new lessons and explore new career topics.
But there is one day a year when they have to fight each other for the right to be the first. Yes, it's Knowledge Day! As the director of this school, I am ready to announce the competition "Who will be the first in the new academic year?" I hope that you are all ready for this battle and will fight to the last drop of sweat to take the place of the first intellectual in the class.
Good luck!
Dear friends! Today I will not talk about the fact that knowledge is power, and that you, our students, should always strive to learn new subjects and skills.
This is what you already know. Instead, I want to talk about something that we adults don't know everything either. For example, I thought for a long time which egg was the first: chicken or quail.
And I still don't know. And the math teacher is still wondering if it's okay to divide by zero. So, friends, together with you we will study subjects that we did not know before, and I hope that together we will solve many mysteries of the world.
Happy academic year!
For sms:
Today for all students is the Day of Knowledge, the day of the beginning of new knowledge and further achievements! May this day be the start of your academic career.
And as a sign of the beginning of a new stage, I want to congratulate all today's students of our school on the beginning of the school year and wish them good health, great success in their studies and a peaceful sky above their heads!
Remember that all life is learning, and the most valuable thing you can get from studying is knowledge and communication with people that will help you develop and become successful in the future.
Congratulations to all on the Day of Knowledge!
📱 Sms count: 10
Dear students! This day is a special day, it is Knowledge Day, which symbolizes the beginning of a new school year! I wish you interesting lessons, exciting activities, excellent teachers and a great desire to comprehend the sciences!
Learn to be interested in the world around you, draw conclusions and strive to learn more! May there be bright events in your life, may success always be with you, and may your teachers be your faithful mentors and friends!
Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year!
📱 Sms count: 8
Today is the first day of school for all the students of our school, Knowledge Day! Let this day be the beginning of your creative and cognitive path, which you will go with labor and joy.
Congratulations to all on the Day of Knowledge! I wish you excellent academic success, high grades and the wisdom of teachers! Be persistent and study hard all year long!
📱 Sms count: 6
Dear students, dear teachers and parents! Today, on this wonderful day, I want to congratulate everyone on the start of the new school year! I want to express special gratitude to all teachers for whom there is no holiday, days off and big expenses - everything is to make the soul proud of our graduates.
I know that they will be able to teach you not only to appreciate knowledge, but also to love it. I am convinced that it will be interesting and informative for you to lead class discussions, share your opinions and impressions, participate in projects and competitions, and we will always be ready to support you in this.
The academic year is an amazing period when we feel a powerful charge of energy and begin to move in the right direction. Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year!
Dear parents, dear students! Today I am very glad to welcome you to the solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. I understand that the role of a school principal is a serious and responsible occupation, so I promise you that I will always strive for the best, because I believe that learning is necessary for a lifetime and I will always improve my skills and try to make education in our school even better.
more interesting, developing and exciting. Our school is part of a large education system, and I am glad that together we can make this system even more effective and successful.
Let our school become for all of you a place where you can realize your talents, develop your abilities and passions, and become true professionals in your field.
Congratulations to all on the Day of Knowledge!
Dear friends and colleagues! Today is a special day, a special day that we celebrate with great enthusiasm and cheerfulness. This is the Day of Knowledge, the Day when a new life comes to our school - the life of students, the life of teachers, the life of parents.
I want to wish all the students of our school a great and successful start to the new academic year. May you have strong friendships, excellent relationships with teachers and high marks.
Trust me, learning is interesting, fun and rewarding, and it's also a skill you'll use later in life to achieve your goals and dreams. Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year!
Dear Director! I want to congratulate you on being the most wonderful person who makes our school a great place for learning and development. Your speeches are sincere words, filled with enthusiasm, which convince us that we can achieve anything we want.
We thank you for being our best friend, our main mentor and leader. Thank you for the light in your eyes and for your inspiration! I wish you happiness, health and spiritual harmony for the coming years!
Dear Director! Today, on this holiday, I want to congratulate you with all my heart! Your speeches are always pleasant and incendiary, they attract our attention and motivate us to new achievements.
You know how to keep us motivated and set us up in a positive way. Thank you for being our main mentor and our inexhaustible energy. Thank you for everything you do for our school!
I wish prosperity to you and your team in future academic years!
Dear Director! I want to congratulate you on such a wonderful event as Knowledge Day! Your speech is able to penetrate the soul of every student and make him dream about the future, about new knowledge and achievements.
You know how to turn a boring and ordinary school curriculum into a real kaleidoscope of exciting discoveries and unusual adventures. We appreciate your work and are grateful for what you do for our school.
I wish you success and continue to inspire us to great and bright things!
Dear Director! Today our school holiday - Knowledge Day - could not have been as intense and inspiring without your cool speech! You know how to pronounce words that penetrate into the depths of every heart and make us open it to new knowledge.
You inspire better things and convince us that we can achieve anything we want.
I congratulate you on Knowledge Day and wish you to continue to make an unforgettable and meaningful contribution to the development of our curriculum and make it even cooler every year than the previous one!
Dear Director! How great it is to experience this amazing day - the Day of Knowledge - with you! Your cool words are the key to our success!
You know how to ignite the desire to learn in the hearts of all schoolchildren, find in them an interest in knowledge and the ability to cope with any difficulties. You say words that not only lift our spirits and build self-respect, but also give us the feeling that we can achieve everything that is laid down in the next years of study. Thank you for all your work and for all the difficulties you overcome for us.
I congratulate you on our Day of Knowledge and wish you to strive for new heights in learning!
Hooray! The elements of inspiration and courage came to us along with this day, Happy Knowledge Day! I want to congratulate our principal who is capable of delivering great speeches that are compelling, memorable and full of energy.
You know how to lead a team and find the right tone with students. Thank you for generating all this enthusiasm and energy and spreading it to all who are inspired to follow you.
I wish you to continue to lead our school to prosperity and new heights!
The director's speech on September 1 is an important event of Knowledge Day. On this day, all schools are preparing especially carefully. The director speaks about the importance of education and responsibility to students, parents, and the team. The speech should be promising and intellectual, filled with sincere wishes.