Today we would like to express our deep gratitude to you, our faithful older brothers and sisters, whose exploits during the Great Patriotic War will never be forgotten. Today we are talking about your selfless devotion to our Motherland and how you served and defended it.
You are the embodiment of our national power, a symbol of heroism and courage. In your eyes we see the beauty and fortitude, inflexibility and resilience.
Our future is inextricably linked with you, our older brothers and sisters, so we must listen to you and respect every word. You are our teachers, we are very proud of you and thank you for your immeasurable work!
Valor, strength and endurance - these are the qualities that each of you possessed in the difficult times of the Great Patriotic War. It is thanks to you that the hated enemy was defeated and our Motherland remained unfettered. But not only this makes you heroes, dear veterans!
Your humility, compassion and hints amaze us to the core. Thank you for your spiritual value, nobility and experience, which you constantly want to pass on to the younger generation.
Your life, your feat for millions of people are indicators that the meaning of life lies in serving the Patria and protecting her. Never forget that we are all very proud of you!
Glory to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War! Our gratitude knows no bounds thanks to you, whose sacrifice and loyalty to the Fatherland defeated the enemy and saved many lives. Your exploits inspire us and remind us that freedom is given for blood and sweat.
Today we would like to admire your masculinity and selfless soul that boggles the imagination. You are real heroes, whose feat will never be forgotten. Always be sure of our support and deep respect for you, our older brothers and sisters.
Life, peace, freedom - we owe all this to you, immensely beloved veterans!
Dear veterans, Happy Victory Day! Thank you for your selflessness, for your heroism and courage, for entire houses and a wonderful future, for our peaceful life and sound sleep.
We wish you health, longevity, warmth and joy. May your kindness return a hundredfold, may life be comfortable and enjoyable!
Dear veterans, dear saviors of the world, please accept our warmest congratulations on the Victory Day! Your names are forever carved on the pedestal of our Motherland, because it was you who stood up to defend it with your chest.
May all the graves of the fallen heroes who did not hesitate to part with their lives be covered with flowers for the sake of our happy future. I wish that the flowers of memory grow in every heart, because your feat is worthy of it.
I dream that our children will become like you, so live long to pass on invaluable experience.
Our veterans! We congratulate you on Victory Day! Thank you dear ones for life, peace and freedom. We wish you longevity, Siberian health, vitality and good spirits.
May your life be filled only with kindness, sincerity, tenderness and gratitude! Let joyful events fill your existence and bring you pleasure, love and happiness!
Our dear veterans, your exploits will forever remain in our memory. We wish you longevity, good health and excellent health! Let you have only pleasant dreams, without terrible memories and pictures that you happened to see.
We wish you a happy life filled with love and joy. Happy victory day to you!
Happy Victory Day! On this significant day, we wish you happiness, peace and kindness. So that the terrible word "War" never appears in your vocabulary. So that in your house there was prosperity and prosperity.
On Victory Day, I want to congratulate you and wish you many of the brightest and most memorable victories. May only happiness and joy await you in life, success never ends, and memory forever keeps this important date, May 9th holiday!
Falling on the knees of our hearts, we say - thank you so much! Thank you, our dear veterans, for having lived their lives brightly, for not allowing the invaders to do their terrible deed.
Today, every ray of the sun shines for you, and lilac branches remind you of an immortal feat. Sometimes we say that we live in difficult times, but we don’t even know what you are facing.
Let the days of your life go on a smooth road, live long to remind us how to live right! All well-being and a peaceful sky above your head.
Thank you, dear ones, for your incredible feat. Thank you for the world, with a huge blue sky. Thank you for preserving the expanses of our Motherland for us.
Thank you for the life that you won with your own hands for us from the enemy. Live for many more years, share your wisdom and teach young people to always be honest, patriotic, brave and fair.
Health to you and bright, good days.
Dear our Veterans! Congratulations on the Great Victory Day! We wish you good health and many more years of life! Legends and songs are composed about your exploits!
Your image will remain forever! You and only you gave us this world, this blue sky, this bright sun, these clear stars. So accept sincere gratitude from all the inhabitants of our country.
The Victory Day, on which we wish you congratulations today, will not be lost among the dusty volumes of history. The ninth of May makes us think again about the peaceful future of future generations.
Even the shadow of war should not overshadow your future, or your loved ones! And let your dreams be joyful, as well as the surrounding serene reality.
I congratulate you on Victory Day! Let's remember the heroism of our compatriots, say to them the words of the deepest and most sincere gratitude. Let's feel the connection of times and the pace of History.
A terrible word is war, and a beautiful word is Victory!
It's so hard to realize that every year there are fewer of them! Our veterans... They survived, didn't break down and didn't give up!
They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when they learned about the Great Victory over fascism on May 9! A deep bow to you, dear veterans, and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! Good health and long life to you!
May 9 is the brightest, solemn and truly national holiday of military glory and civic courage. Time has no power over the Feat. It is inscribed in golden letters in the annals of our country.
He is in each of us.
Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!
Special congratulations to the veterans, whose youth was scorched by the fire of the most cruel war. Today we try to do everything so that they constantly feel our sincere care and help. We are indebted to you.
On this day, I sincerely wish dear veterans and everyone peace, health, happiness, confidence in the future! Good and prosperity to your families, dear countrymen!
Dear ours! Perhaps, there are no words in any language of the world to put into them all the gratitude from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for your immortal feat on the fronts and in the rear.
Therefore, we will not say much - we will kneel before you, ordinary heroes, whose deeds will live for centuries! I wish you good health, unquenchable optimism and positive emotions!
Congratulations, veterans! Happy Victory Day!
Thank you, dear veterans, for your exploits, for our world. You have done the impossible, you have proudly and bravely defended your homeland, you have never left your post as a selfless patriot.
Thank you for the fact that we live and know how to dream. We wish you health, dear veterans, low bows and respect, kindness of the people around you and warmth of your native hearts.
Thank you very much, our dear veterans. You performed not just feats, you not only defended the Motherland, you made a great history and fought for a peaceful and happy life. Thank you for your heroism and dedication, for your courage and for our peace.
We sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day! And we want to wish you to live happily on our wonderful planet, keeping in your heart pride and gratitude for peace and tranquility. May there be no place for war on earth, may every dawn bring only joy and love.
Congratulations on Victory Day! And may the menacing clouds of war never cover the peaceful sky above our heads. Let not bomb explosions and the roar of guns rumble over our cities, but festive fireworks.
Let the tears in your eyes be only from joy and laughter, and let the boys learn about what war is only from books and films. Happy holiday!
Year after year, one of the bloodiest and at the same time memorable pages in the history of our Fatherland is fading into the past. Year after year, the ranks of veterans, witnesses of those terrible events, are thinning, but the Great Victory Day is still significant.
In it, as before, there is joy and pain, smiles and tears. Happy Victory Day to all of us! May the sky be peaceful over the entire planet!
I sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day! The brightest, dearest and most beloved national holiday, common to all: veterans, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
It is part of the history of every family. The victorious May of the 45th entered the heroic annals of our Fatherland forever as a symbol of the courage and selflessness of the entire Soviet people.
This is a day of sacred memory of those who laid down their lives on the battlefields and gave their lives in the fight against fascism. And at the same time, for all of us, this is a day of bright joy from the fact that we were able to overcome all the hardships and hardships, survive and win in that terrible war.
This is a holiday for all time.
And our country, great Russia, will always live and prosper until May 9, 1945 is forgotten! May there always be a peaceful sky above us, and in every home - happiness, prosperity and love!
Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!
I congratulate you on Victory Day! This is the most important, most amazing holiday for all generations! I want to wish you to appreciate a peaceful sky, never face a war and enjoy simple things - the sun in the clouds, warm rain.
Let every moment of life give you joy, smile and always believe in yourself!
Please accept our sincere congratulations on Victory Day! The memory of the struggle and the Great Victory over the Nazi invaders, many years later, unites different generations of our Motherland, makes us invincible in the face of any trials.
A low bow to the participants of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers for a peaceful sky above their heads. For us, they will always be an example of courage and courage, selfless love and devotion to their people and Fatherland.
Please accept my sincere congratulations on Victory Day! I would like to sincerely wish you good health, peace and prosperity! Live long, happily, joyfully, surrounded by loving caring relatives!
Thank you so much for the world, for the fact that we live in a free, happy country! Thank you for your courage, hard work and will to win!
Today, with all my heart, I want to thank those who went through the torments of war. Those who sacrificed their youth and health for the sake of their country and its people.
Our dear veterans, low bow to you for heroism, courage and steadfastness. For giving us our freedom, our life. You are the pride of the country, Heroes with a capital letter, an example to follow.
Thank you for going through all the horror and staying alive. Health, long years to you and a peaceful sky!
We thank them dead
For loyalty to our Motherland at any time.
Because they fought back and humbly stood face to face with the battle,
Even if it was the last thing they wanted.
They left us a priceless gift:
We have beautiful poems to preserve the memory of our native country,
To remember our heroes and ensure peace and freedom for all.
Let's not forget this gift and be grateful and honor them for ages!
They looked at nothing but freedom
Heroes of that war, they stood before the heart.
Every morning morning did not lose the course
And they held our star tightly.
We don't have enough words to express our respect
To the fidelity with which they served the spirit of our great-grandfathers!
Thanks to them and the courage of their weapons,
We can write the kind of love that touches the heart.
Guys and girls, heroes of our days,
We have left the legacy of our struggles of the heart.
They fought and broke forward
And they kept our great Motherland as the leader!
We funk them for being strong
And thank you for the beautiful poetry.
Which inspired the people gave us you
And we will understand what love for the country is.
In your own words:
You have become the personification of strength and courage, whose exploits have become legends. You became the backbone of our Motherland and showed everyone that spirit and determination gave us victory over the enemy. You, our dear veterans, have given strength to preserve our happiness and freedom.
We are grateful to you for your spiritual value, for your strength and steadfastness. You have left us a legacy that we must wisely preserve. Your presence in our lives is the eternal handles in our hearts, our heroes and inspirers.
Many thanks to you, our elder brothers and sisters, for making our life so beautiful and amazing.
One hundred years boring and unspoilt,
Consider life for victory surpassed.
We honor your life with love,
We wish you light and goodness on your path.
You have been our hope and support,
Raise the banner of our great country!
Thank you very much for what you have done for our future in the name of peace, prosperity and freedom. From our heart to your immortal memory - respect and gratitude always. We will never forget you, our heroes!
Dear heroes of the Great Patriotic War! We cannot but admire your faith and courage in the years of the most terrible trials. You have become the embodiment of resilience and will, never giving up before the enemy.
You fought for freedom, for your people and for the Motherland, which you loved with all your heart. You are our mentors and teachers, we learn from you the strength of the spirit and everything that is really important in life.
We are grateful to you and your brothers-heroes for the fact that you inexorably continued the struggle for the freedom and independence of our country, despite any difficulties and obstacles. You remained true to your oath and were ready to risk your life for the sake of your Motherland. Thank you very much for the fact that the victory was on our side!
In prose:
Dear older generation! You have not only the talent to protect our Motherland, but also unsurpassed and incomparable wisdom. You are our best teachers and mentors, to whom we will always turn for advice and wisdom.
Without you, we would never have reached the heights we aspire to.
All of Russia knows your power, and we thank you for everything you have done. Today we celebrate Victory Day, but more importantly, we celebrate your life, your heroic and multifaceted legacy.
Thank you for your contribution to our common history, for your courage and spiritual strength! ❤️️
Dear veterans! Today we celebrate Victory Day, the day you won the greatest victory over the enemy and saved millions of lives. But for us you are more than winners.
You embody the wisdom, loyalty and humanity that our society needs today.
You continue to amaze us with your selfless deeds and show us how to truly live. Your life is a symbol of spiritual strength and wisdom, which will certainly be passed on to future generations. Thank you for your heroism and stamina, thank you for your spiritual dignity and wisdom!
Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War! How much your exploits and sacrifices mean to us in the name of the freedom and independence of our Motherland. Today we want to express our gratitude and respect for you, our elder brothers and sisters, whose merits will remain in the eternal memory of the people.
You, the heroes of our country, went down in history as people who, despite all the obstacles and difficulties, continued to fight and give their souls for their Motherland. You overcame troubles and brought victory closer day by day. You have always remained true to your ideals and sacrificed a lot to benefit others.
Today we want to congratulate you on Victory Day and express our gratitude for your heroism and loyalty to the Motherland. We will not forget your masculinity and heroism, and we will always be proud of you and your exploits.
Veterans, your exploits,
Recorded in history with a golden pen.
You got in the life of sorrows,
Crazy trials, grief and pain.
But you didn't turn off the road
You continued to rush to victory.
And today we thank you
For the victory and the peace that you got.
You are the ones to whom we owe everything in this life
You who made the Motherland strong.
You tried to save the country with your heart,
For this our souls are grateful to you.
And know that you are forever in our hearts,
For that victory and only her,
The beggar hiccups the year begins
Hope, faith and glory, strong will!
Dear our veterans,
You are real heroes and legends!
History behind you
She owes you the salvation of the country.
Today we want to thank you
For everything you've done
You are the backbone of the soul and body of our Motherland,
You strengthen the soul of our country.
You are very important for our future
And you deserve our dedications
Your feat is glory and memory forever,
She will live in our world forever.
Today we congratulate everyone who contributed to the victory of the Great Patriotic War, we know these people as real heroes of our time! You have earned our deep gratitude and respect, and among the youth, you are considered true elder brothers and sisters.
For a long time ago the action of fate
Today we congratulate you on your victory
It is you, the veterans of our native Russia,
Gave us freedom and peace
Now you can not be found on the front line,
But we remember your exploits and heroism,
This is a true example for us
How to put everything on the line in the name of the Motherland!
We express our infinite gratitude
To you, our dear veterans
Once you crossed the abyss
From now on, all your labors are examples of patience
You did the impossible
Was it worth the price you paid?
Without hesitation or doubt you kept moving forward
Your suffering and dangerous moments
Today inspire and delight us.
We thank you for this
We thank you for your deed
We thank you for our peaceful life
We know that it was worth an immense price
No matter how long it takes
You will always be our heroes
And your names will forever remain glorious.
Dear veterans!
Today we are from all our people
We want to tell you: God is with you!
He blesses you every day
You are the real heroes of our time
Please don't be modest
You deserve our thanks
For the salvation of our Motherland!
Our gratitude is strong and sincere
She comes to you on the wings of love
For every strange step to win forever
For every victory - our gratitude to you.
We will never forget your deed.
the glory you have achieved
You are our pride and our glory,
We will always remember you!
We want to thank our veterans of the Great Patriotic War from the bottom of our hearts for their courage, devotion and sacrifice. Your nobility and heroism will always remain in our memory.
You have reached incredible heights,
You managed to cheat death more than once,
You remained noble and honest,
O Blood and Glory, you did not fall and not at once.
We deeply respect your dedication
Your battle path is an example for us
You have always been merciless on the battlefield,
They put everything on the line for the Motherland.
Today we celebrate Victory Day and your legacy remains with us. Thank you veterans for everything you have done for our country!
Veterans, we admire your strength and courage. Thank you for being ready to give your life for your country.
Your exploits are the most valuable legacy for the younger generations. Thank you for your life, distant in the struggle for peace.
Your feat gave us the future. Without you, veterans, it would not be possible. Congratulations on the Victory Day!
Our grandfathers and grandmothers gave us victory. Thank you, veterans, for what we have today - freedom and peace.
Your sacrifices and deeds are not forgotten. Today we celebrate your victory, and the whole country has something to be proud of.
No matter how much time passes, we will never forget your feat. Thank you veterans for protecting our country.
Thanks to your exploits, we live in a free country. You have left your mark on history and in the hearts of our people.
Today we celebrate Victory Day, but without you, veterans, it would not be possible. Thank you for our freedom and peace!
From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you, dear veterans, on Victory Day. Thank you for your deed and for what you have done for our country. We love you!
May the love of the people always accompany you, veterans, on your way. We sincerely congratulate you on the Victory Day!
We congratulate you on the Victory Day. You are the real heroes and examples of courage for our people.
Today we remember those who took responsibility for the future of our country. Thank you veterans for your courage.
The world we know today is protected thanks to your feat. We will never forget how much this world cost.
Celebrate this day, because our Motherland owes its victory to you! Thank you for our safety and freedom.
Today we pay tribute to the exploits of our older brothers and sisters - veterans. Thank you for the peace and freedom we have today!
Thank you for standing up for peace and freedom. Today we celebrate the holiday that you gave us!
The world we know today is protected thanks to your feat. We will never forget how much this world cost.
The younger generations will always remember the sacrifices and deeds of your generation. Thank you for making the world brighter and more peaceful.
Today we celebrate the Victory, and our hearts are filled with gratitude and respect for you, dear veterans.
You are the heroes who gave us the future. Thank you Veterans for all you have done and still do.
Happy Holidays, Veterans! Your years of life were not in vain, we are extremely grateful for our freedom.
Your struggle for freedom and peace will always be in history. Your courage and courage will remain in the memory of the people.
Happy Victory Day, dear veterans! Thank you for the lives you have given us. Your exploits will never be forgotten.
Thank you for never giving up, for fighting to the end and for securing our freedom. Thank you for your strength and resilience!
We will not be able to give you all that you deserve, but we will remember you, respect you and love you all our lives.
Your spiritual and physical wounds testify to your sacrifice and devotion to the Motherland. Thank you for everything you have done for us and our country.
Thank you, our dear veterans! Your exploits in the Great Patriotic War will never be forgotten.
With humor:
Friends! The joy of the human spirit lies in a sense of humor, and we are pleased to inform you that our veterans have it in abundance. Their humor is like incendiary wiring on the battlefield.
And we thank them for this, for helping us to take life not seriously and cheer us up with their funny stories. Thank you, dear veterans, for your great sense of humor!
Thank you, our beloved veterans, for your heroic confrontation at the front. But don't forget that I still have a German soldier on my shelf in a sealed package, which you knocked down along with my favorite pot. Could you look at the photo so that we finally know what this unfortunate Nazi looked like?
Dear veterans! Our gratitude to you is immense, but would you like to help us deal with our washing machine? We are sure that after you have dealt with the Second World War, this will be an easy task for you.
There are no words that can express all our respect and gratitude to you, our dear veterans. We are spoiled enough with new technologies, the beauty and comforts of our lives, and often we do not have the patience to overcome even the smallest obstacle.
You endured the pain and cruelty of war, spiritual and physical pain, loss and stress, but your spirit, your courage and unshakable faith defeated the enemy.
Thank you for providing us with your life and protecting our Motherland.
Today we would like to express our deepest gratitude to you, our dear veterans. Your exploits, your sacrifice, your masculinity - everything lifts our soul and fills us with deep admiration. We thank you for your work, for your daily feat in the name of the peaceful life of our country, for providing us with freedom, a bright future and a better life.
Dear veterans, we see immeasurable strength and resilience in your every move. Only we, who were born in a different time, cannot imagine what you went through, how you overcame all the difficulties during the Great Patriotic War. Your courage, selfless devotion to the Motherland and heroic deed will forever remain in our hearts and memory.
Veterans, you know that life requires not only strength, but also wisdom. You are the source of our wisdom, inspiration and strength. But who said that life has to be serious and hard?
We are grateful to you not only for your courage, but also for your sense of humor. You always knew how to find the right words to support and cheer us up.
Thank you for your cheerful and wise sense of humor, for your help, for your dedication. You are the history of our country and the pride of the nation!
Today we would like to confess that we are still watching clips at the Moskva publishing house and admire how you deftly put quatrains side by side. Your creativity, humorous and wise, perfectly helps us unwind and find a balance between a serious and easy attitude to life. Thank you for your cheerful and wise creativity, for your help and for your selfless devotion to the Motherland.
Dear veterans, it is difficult for us to imagine how we would look in a military combat suit. But you, our dear heroes, carry not only the burden of a military uniform, but also the invaluable value of the experience and knowledge that we so need in our lives today. We thank you for your courage and for your sense of humor!
Dear veterans, today we have gathered in our fraternal team to express our sincere gratitude to you for your courage and for your selfless service for the good of the Fatherland.
Your exploits have long become legendary and have become part of our history. They sealed in your life the traits of courage and strength that we must pass on to future generations.
For your honesty, loyalty and perseverance, we deeply respect you and are ready to follow your examples. Thank you for your devotion to the Fatherland and all your native people!
Veterans, you are living sources of knowledge and experience who can pass on your experience of warfare. You help us not only turn the military history of the past into modern life lessons, but also, with the help of your narratives, pass on to us all those basic skills and mastery of weapons necessary for very difficult life choices.
Thank you for your participation in the patriotic education of the youth, for your disinterested teaching of new generations in maps, wool, drafts and parking lots. Your help and example of cordiality is appreciated by you and the generations of our Motherland, because you have always been and will be the best mentors.
Dear veterans, it is difficult to describe in words all the feelings that we experience when talking about you and your heroic deed. Thank you for your courage, for your loyalty to our Fatherland, for all those days and nights that you spent in difficult conditions, protecting us from tyranny and enemies.
You are our emotional mentors, teaching us that true brotherhood and devotion are only possible under extreme conditions. We bow to your great spirit and pay tribute to your heroic fighting performances. Thank you, dear veterans, that you were then and that you are today.
Dear veterans, your courage and selflessness will be remembered in our nation forever. Thank you for your tireless work and unbending strength, which you have demonstrated in the most difficult times and which is still alive in your souls.
You are our heroes, our teachers and our friends. We will always remember and respect you for your endless dedication to the Fatherland and your nation.
We cherish every moment we spend with you. Sorry that the record is so long, you know, sincere poems require a lot of time and effort.
Dear veterans, we sincerely thank you for all those moments when you took on danger and risked your lives to protect your brothers and sisters during the Great Patriotic War. Your ideals and spirit live in our nation and today we are proud of you and your exploits.
You are living sources of our inspiration and moral support, you continue to demonstrate fearlessness, spiritual strength and wisdom, and your words are warmer than all words today. Thank you for your selfless service and your sacrifice, for your love for the Fatherland and for your brothers and sisters!
Dear veterans, your exploits, resilience and courage adorn the history of our country. You are real heroes, filled with spiritual power and ready to give your life to protect the Motherland and its people.
Thank you for taking care of the security of our country in difficult conditions of war, remembering the great lost lives and taking care of them. You are a treasure of our history, an important part of our nation. We will never forget your fascinating stories about the war, which help us understand your courage and sacrifice.
Dear veterans, we congratulate you on this day on Victory Day! We want to show that at your age there is still plenty of room for fun and humor, and that you are real heroes who care about your loved ones, friends and family.
We thank you for your sense of humor, for the jokes and for the positive vibes you bring into our lives. Your original cheerfulness, spiritual strength and serenity surround you wherever you go. Thank you for lifting our spirits and joy with your unsurpassed humor and ridicule!
Hello dear veterans! On this solemn day, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for not only fighting for the freedom of our country, but also for bringing your unique humor and jokes to it.
Thank you for your radiant smile and for real jokes that can only be heard from you, for your invaluable sense of humor, for not losing your sense of humor in the most difficult moments of the war, which gave us strength and confidence in your victory.
Dear veterans, your amazing deeds on the fields of the Great Patriotic War make us bow before you. You are true heroes who deserved to win with your wit and resilience and will be forever remembered in our nation.
You have given us freedom, joy and the opportunity for our country to prosper and develop. Thank you for your cheerful and serene attitude to life, for all the work in the country, the holidays that you arrange, and for your unique sense of humor.
For sms:
Dear veterans, today we want to congratulate you on the coming Victory Day and express our emotions in communication with you. You are real heroes, thanks to you we can now enjoy life and freedom.
You are an example of courage, resilience and loyalty to your Motherland, who will live forever. Thank you for your great participation in the Great Patriotic War, for your inflexibility and unbridled enthusiasm.
Today we celebrate your triumph! Thank you very much!
📱 Sms count: 7
Dear veterans, today we would like to express our deep gratitude to you for giving us the freedom and peace that exists today. Thank you for such a dear life that you have lived for us, for our country.
Loyal and loyal to your Motherland, you left behind invaluable lessons of self-sacrifice, courage and heroism. Hundreds of military feats and unique life stories related to the historical war will always be in our memory and will be our reminder of the unique life that you were able to live. Thank you very much!
📱 Sms count: 8
Dear veterans, today we wholeheartedly congratulate you on Victory Day! You are true heroes, whose deeds and sacrifices defeated our common enemy and gave us freedom.
Thanks to you, we and our children live peacefully. Thank you for your selflessness, strength and loyalty during the Great Patriotic War. You will always be in our hearts and we are ready to guide you through our entire lives.
📱 Sms count: 6
Dear veterans, your feat is a genuine wealth not only for our people, but for the whole world. You are real heroes who were able to go through terrible trials and go down in history as outstanding personalities.
Your courage, compass and resilience during difficult trials is a perfect example of what it means to love your country and be devoted to it to the end. Today we want to express our gratitude and respect to you, and we promise to keep in the memory of all future generations the historical and moral value of your feat. Thank you for everything!
Dear veterans, today we sincerely want to express our deep gratitude to you for your invaluable work during the Great Patriotic War. Your sacrifice and devotion to the Fatherland in the end allowed us to win and save our future.
We will always remember your selfless masculinity, unbending character and commitment to the ideals of freedom and justice. We will always be grateful to you for your unwavering reliability and loyalty to the Motherland. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to live in peace and harmony.
Your heroism and devotion to the Fatherland will forever remain in our hearts, dear veterans. Today we wholeheartedly want to congratulate you on Victory Day and express our deep gratitude for giving us a bright future.
You are our teachers, mentors and heroes. Your feat will always be an example of courage and courage for us, and your experience and wisdom help us build our lives. Every time we remember that terrible war, our thoughts and hearts are directed to you.
We will always remember your valor, strength and endurance that you showed in the most difficult moments. And we will always be grateful to you for your firm determination to defeat the enemy and save our Motherland.
Dear veterans, we want to congratulate you on Victory Day and express our deep gratitude for your majestic feat. Your courage, valor and devotion to the Motherland is what helped us defeat the enemy and preserve our freedom and future.
You have done a truly incredible and difficult task, and each of you has earned our national gratitude and respect. We deeply respect you for all that you have done for our country and our people, and we promise to take into account your experience and wisdom in all our affairs.
Today we celebrate your great feat and wish you health, happiness and prosperity for many years to come!
Dear veterans, today we want to tell you words of gratitude and appreciation for your majestic feat. You are the people who have preserved our Motherland, our dream of freedom and independence. You are an example for each of us and we are grateful to you for everything you have done for our country.
We deeply respect you for your courage and endurance in difficult times, for your devotion to the Motherland and your brothers and sisters. Today we celebrate your great achievement and wish you good health and long life.
Dear veterans! On this wonderful holiday, we want to congratulate you on Victory Day and express our deep gratitude for your great feat. You are our heroes who were able to defeat a terrible enemy and preserve our independence and freedom.
Your courage and bravery is what has enabled us to live in peace and prosper. You are people who will always be a model of valor, loyalty and courage for us. We deeply respect you for your experience and wisdom, and we promise to pass it on to future generations so that they can live in a more prosperous world.
Dear veterans! Dear our heroes! You could defeat the enemy, all you needed was your courage, faith and courage. You have become the support and protection of our Motherland, and we are immensely grateful to you for this.
You are people who have become a symbol of selfless deeds, and we are all proud of you. Today we want to sincerely congratulate you on Victory Day and express our sincere gratitude for the work you put into your work.
Without you, our story would be completely impossible.
We respect you for the fact that you were able to bring the matter to the end and give us freedom. We are ready to learn from you day by day, follow the same path and enjoy the peace that you have brought us.
We are all very proud of you and admire your vitality, courage and courage. A big thank you to all of us!
Friends, today we want to pay tribute and gratitude to those whose exploits have become a bright page in our history. They, our grandparents, brought us peace and freedom, went through fire and water day and night, and never gave up in the fight against the enemy. They were able to defeat not only the enemy, but also defeat the cruelty of war and preserve humanity.
Today we are talking about veterans whose sacrifice and experience are a vector for the current generation. You are our main teacher and inspiration, and we are ready to learn from you to make this world even better.
You know better than anyone what real service to the Fatherland and the spirit of a winner are. Thank you for your work and invaluable experience in the name of our country!
Dear veterans! Our words cannot convey the respect and admiration that we have for you, who were able to win the Great Patriotic War. You are real heroes, whose deeds have become not only historical, but also inspired many others to exploits.
As they say, "the trick of the winners is that they saw the world, waving their heads in farewell to the enemy." Sincere thanks for standing up for our freedom, removing bullets from your chests and protecting our Motherland. Dear veterans, we are happy to talk about you as the best part of our history and express our deep gratitude for your feat.
Poems filled with gratitude, which we experience every day in our world thanks to the courage and sacrifice of WWII veterans. These verses are our attempt to convey our appreciation and respect for those who defended our freedom and independence. Each line reflects pride in the immortal feat of our heroes, who have become living legends and will remain in our hearts forever.